• 02 Apr 2012 2:29 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Australia responds to the Inquiry in to the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Amendment Bill 2012.   BPW Australia supports the expansion of the Act to men and all employers and employees in the workplace by amending the short title of the Act to Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. With a primary focus of increasing women’s full participation in the workforce, BPW Australia is cognizant of the structural changes required by business to deliver equal opportunity and flexible workplaces for all employees – men and women.  The renaming of the Agency serves to reinforce this.

    The full statement is attached:  Equal Opportunity in the Workplace Amendment Bill 2012

  • 14 Mar 2012 2:30 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Australia congratulates the organisations recognised as EOWA  ‘Employers of Choice for Women’ on 13 March.

    BPW Australia National President Marilyn Forsythe said, “It is a benefit to working women in Australia that 125 companies have met the criteria for the ‘EOWA Employer of Choice for Women’. These are companies that realise women can make a positive difference to their business culture and the balance sheet. We hope that next year the list will multiply as organisations see increasing the number of women as a positive factor in all aspects of their business. BPW Australia encourages you to make your money talk and do business with these 125 companies and show your support for the difference they’re making.”

    For all the details and the full list of organisations go to EOWA

  • 08 Mar 2012 3:57 PM | Deleted user

    Around the world, 8 March is marked in many different ways. For some it’s a designated public holiday, for others it’s a day to give gifts such as flowers and chocolates, and especially recognise mothers.

    Whatever you’re doing today, take a moment to think about what International Women’s Day symbolises. It’s a day to celebrate, respect, appreciate and honour the women in our lives. A day to honour women’s economic, political and social achievements. A day to acknowledge women’s political and human rights.  And a day to increase political and social awareness to prompt action on the ongoing challenge for freedom that women face worldwide.

  • 08 Mar 2012 2:39 PM | Deleted user

    Speech from UN Women Australia Forum, National Press Club, Canberra, 6 March 2012

    Julie Collins speech 060312

  • 01 Mar 2012 2:41 PM | Deleted user

    A ground breaking social enterprise called the BPW Business Incubator Project initiated by Belmont Business Enterprise Centre in Western Australia (Belmont BEC) and Textile, Clothing and Footwear Resource Centre of Western Australia Inc. (TCF Global) and supported by BPW International will launch internationally on March 2 in New York.

    The BPW Business Incubator Project will provide online training and mentoring to develop the business skills and business growth potential of women in new or existing homebased, micro & small businesses.  Webinars on over 40 business topics such as Business Planning, Starting a Fashion Label, Manufacturing Pitfalls, Import/Export and eCommerce will be available.  Participants will also have the opportunity to learn about global sourcing from women vendors directly from the International Trade Centre.

    The project will be officially launched at a parallel NGO event during the Fifty-sixth Session of the United Nations – Commission on the Status of Women (CSW56) at forum  ‘Empowering Creative Rural Women Through Enterprise Development and Global Fashion Opportunities’.

    VIP Guest Speakers will include:

    • Freda Miriklis – President, BPW International
    • Sharon Graubard – Senior Vice President, Trend Analysis, Stylesight
    • Lexy Mojo Eyes – Nigerian Fashion Promoter and President
    • Carol Hanlon – CEO of Belmont BEC, TCF Global and member of BPW Australia and BPW International Asia Pacific Committee

    More details here Women’s Global Business Incubator 010312 and here TCFGLOBALbooklet_CSW HANDBOOK..

  • 03 Feb 2012 3:30 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Australia has released a statement in regard to this historic decision made on the 1st February 2012 by Fair Work Australia.

    Media Release SACS Award Feb 2012


  • 03 Feb 2012 2:44 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Australia has released a statement in regard to this historic decision made on the 1st February 2012 by Fair Work Australia.

    Media Release SACS Award Feb 2012


  • 02 Feb 2012 2:52 PM | Deleted user

    150,000 mainly female workers across Australia, on the 1st February 2012, were granted a historic pay increase with the Full Bench of Fair Work Australia handing down its decision on the Equal Remuneration Case.  The workers affected were those that work with some of the most vulnerable people in the community and are paid under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award.  The pay increases will be paid in 9 instalments over the next 8 years and by 2020, the community sector will see total increases of 18% up to 41%!  Congratulations to all those that worked towards this.  A copy of the full Decision can be found at www.fwa.gov.au


  • 08 Dec 2011 3:58 PM | Deleted user

    We know all too well that there’s an increasing need for women and men to work together and engage with each other to achieve greater success and enjoy the shared rewards of a better workplace. Get 2012 off to a good start!

    Together, female and male employees can promote cultural change, improve communication, initiate equity strategies and develop flexible work practices.

    Speakers from UTS, DCA Maddocks, Coles Myer and ABC will share how to:
    • Promote better collaboration between women and men
    • Introduce equity initiatives and measure their success
    • Prove the value of flexible work practices
    • Overcome unconscious biases and negative attitudes

    BPW Australia Members can save $250 by registering by 9 December. Click here for further information and to book.


  • 11 Nov 2011 3:59 PM | Deleted user

    Today will be go down in the annals of equal pay history; the Labor government commitment to fund pay rises for thousands of women finally gives recognition of the invaluable work provided by workers in the social and community sector (SACS).

    BPW Australia president Marilyn Forsythe applauded the government’s action to support pay rises averaging 20% to workers who have historically been unpaid and undervalued. “We have been lobbying for equal pay for more than 30 years and this is one big step in  clawing back our gender pay gap,” Ms Forsythe said.

    As a proud partner of the Equal Pay Alliance we have lent our support to the unions and workers involved in this case and hope that the Federal government commitment will be echoed by all States and territories across Australia.

    Of the 150,000 SACS workers there are 120,000 women – they look after the homeless, the disabled, refugees, domestic violence victims, children at risk and other vulnerable people in our society.  “They have our admiration – but they need a fair wage” said Ms Forsythe.

    With our gender pay gap steady at 18% we hope that this, along with other initiatives such as the current review of the Equal Opportunity in the Workplace Act, combine to deliver real equal pay for working women.

    For more information contact Marilyn Forsythe on 0412259656

    Media Contact: Sandra Cook, National Director of Policy, 0409608344

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