Government (Fed) Takes Next Step in Delivering Historic Pay Rises

21 Nov 2012 7:49 PM | Deleted user

The Australian Government has taken the next step in meeting its commitment to deliver historic equal pay rises to eligible social and community sector workers. The Minister for Community Services, Julie Collins, today announced the Australian Government’s offers as part of its $2.8 billion share of the increases have begun going out to social and community services organisations. “Throughout November, around 4,400 social and community services organisations across Australia will receive letters detailing the Australian Government’s offer towards the pay increases for their workers,”

Ms Collins said. “The Australian Government is delivering on its commitment to the landmark Fair Work Australia decision. We are continuing to work with the sector and State and Territory Governments to ensure the first instalment of this important equal pay order is delivered on schedule next month,” Ms Collins said.  The Media Release follows:  Media Release Fed Govt – Govt takes next step in delivering historic pay rises Nov12

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