BPW Strathfield (BPWS) |
BPWS Calendar![]() 2025 CALANDER
March Attending/speaking/learning. CWS69. United Nations New York. ❗️BPWS event site: https://www.bpw.com.au/our-events ********************************
Congrats! Welcome to our most recent member Sylvia Luo. *____________________________* Always Happy! It's infectious! After 10 months in hospital our wonderful sister Karen Pensabene was able to join us for BPWS's special International Night Tuesday 4th February. We are fortunate to have her as part of BPWS. https://www.bpw.com.au/our-events BPWS event site. ![]() From the President Focus for 2024/25 · Community Engagement – Equal Pay Day, IWD Forum
Actions and Achievements In the last financial year, we faced the challenge of meeting the required number of members to operate the club legally. However, within a few months, we successfully addressed this issue by increasing our membership. Additionally, we submitted amendments for consideration at the National Congress held in November in Darwin. I am thrilled to announce that our proposed resolution was passed during the meeting, and, BPW Strathfield has become legally recognised. Our focus has been on fostering stronger connections with the local community, supporting our members in enhancing their skills, knowledge, and community engagement, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of our organisation. The club grant money enabled us to host the International Women's Day event on a grand scale, featuring international speakers, ministers, and local leaders and councils. This event helped us to reach a broader and younger audience. Our participation in BPWI and the UN CSW68 has also increased our visibility on an international level. The various levels of engagement, both locally and globally, have enabled us to stand taller and more confident in representing our club on the world stage. I extend my sincere appreciation to the dedicated and committed group of women with whom I have had the privilege to work. Their unwavering support has been instrumental in overcoming obstacles and driving our organisation forward. However, we acknowledge that our Board and Club currently have vacancies, leading to an increased workload for the existing members. Nevertheless, our team remains steadfast in our mission. HISTORY - Did you know? BPWA History and the beginnings. How BPW can better serve its business members Carol Hanlon Why am I still doing this? ******************************** ********************************************* Check out our face book page for updates. ********************************************* Be part of BPW and have a voice! BPWS provides a platform to connect, learn and develop. ********************************************* Business & Professional Women Goals
![]() BPWS's International and local project. Days for Girls Sewing Bee 2025. Volunteers required. No sewing skills necessary, it's amazing what you can learn.
Thank you for all those who made it to the sewing bee. Faye Helou - Days for Girls Director. | BPWS 2025 aims:
**** ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress’ ****2025
Welcome to the latest edition of news. IWD _ Human Rights The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is generally agreed to be the foundation of international human rights law. Adopted in 1948, the UDHR has inspired a rich body of legally binding international human rights treaties. It continues to be an inspiration to us all whether in addressing injustices, in times of conflicts, in societies suffering repression, and in our efforts towards achieving universal enjoyment of human rights.
IWD _ Days for Girls. Days for Girls works to eliminate the stigma and limitations associated with menstruation so that women and girls have improved health, education and livelihoods. Faye Helou & BPWS Secretary Days for Girls began in Australia in 2012 after Gloria Buttsworth had a visit from her friend, who runs a children’s home in northern Uganda. The two got talking about the girls in the home and particularly their hygiene needs. Most of the girls could not afford sanitary products, resulting in many of the girls missing school repeatedly, with many eventually dropping out. The question occurred to Gloria: ‘‘What can I do?’’ The answer appeared in the form of the Days for Girls International (DfGI) Menstrual Health Programs. Gloria contacted Celeste Mergens, the founder of DfGI and the rest is history. Since beginning in 2012 with 4 teams, Australia now has a network of volunteers who sew and distribute from every State and Territory Australia-wide. Whole towns can be inspired to participate in DfGS. EOY reflection DfGS 2024 by Faye Helou Director Looking back at the past 12 months with DfGS makes me very proud for many reasons. Days for Girls is becoming recognised within the local community as a leading force for women, both locally and overseas, as the Kits we provide empowers girls, enabling them to continue their education and move forward to a better life. Both of our volunteer groups are growing, and with that our productivity is increasing, ensuring that we reach many more girls than previously, changing lives as we go. The partnership established with Good 360, where our kits are placed with Australian girls that need them, enables us to actively participate in reducing period poverty in Australia, something we can all be very proud of, in these difficult economic times. Thank you to each and every one of our selfless volunteers for making DfGS not only impactful, but a fun group to belong to. MLC School Program We are excited to continue our partnership with MLC School as part of their School Service Program with a number of activities schedule during the year including a monthly Craft Club which will be held during the school girls lunch period and a big service day at the school. Meriden School Program This is our third year partnering with Meriden School as part of their Year 9 pastoral program and conducting a number of Service Days where we will welcome 20 girls at a time at our Strathfield location for kit preparation activities and packing. In previous years the activities have gone well, the girls have felt empowered knowing that they were contributing to making a significant impact in another girl’s life. University of NSW Volunteers United (UNSW - VU) Program We are thrilled to also announce a new partnership with the University of NSW to provide a workshop for kit preparation activities and packing at our Strathfield location for 20 volunteers in support of their Good Deeds Day. We are very fortunate to have both Barbara and Donna on our Leadership Team as these Service Days require significant planning in preparation for these activities and to our generous volunteers for their time to help supervise and assist with the program. We cannot stress enough how these programs cannot go ahead without your support. More details to come. Noosa Sewing Bee Cathie’s Satellite Group in Noosa have settled into a nice routine. Between 4 and 6 volunteers meet once a month and spend 3 hours together sewing and take additional work home. They are ramping up their kit production and have themselves a target of 100 kits for this financial year. To help with this we have ordered a set of regular templates (shield, liner, pocket, stitching line) and 500 DfG labels for drawstring bags. It’s wonderful to have their support from the Sunshine Coast, thank you! Faye Helou Director. Our "local Members support BPWS" Karen Pensabene Strathfield Council, Jason Yat-sen Li State MP, John Fake Burwood Bouncil and Sally Sitou Federal MP NEWS The Women's Empowerment Principles are a set of Principles for business offering guidance on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community. National milestone as abortion officially decriminalised in every state and territory in Australia** Madesin News: see what BPWStrathfield is up to- https://indd.adobe.com/view/6051ee53-6fcc-4cfc-a178-a1d1369e2684 ** FROM OUR PRESIDENT SWETA GUPTA. " Never stop dreaming, never stop believing...." https://www.facebook.com/sweta.gupta.16906715/posts/pfbid02ZrU3wqPYj32ty6tjJmT18vUzBNskbFW4jjuWZcyrcEbpkFVf9iExfAXSeT76LosEl ** 15 Gender Issues We Must Address: According to The Gender Snapshot 2022 report, it will take around 300 years to reach gender equality. ** NSW Women's Strategy 2023-26 That women and girls in NSW: live and work in a safe and fair society where they are treated with respect and dignity, have suitable access to services, resources, opportunities and protections that enable them to thrive. BPW International (International Federation of Business and Professional Women) is an influential international network of business and professional women from more than 100 countries in 5 continents with Consultative Status at ECOSOC/United Nations. Founded in 1930, BPW International develops the professional, leadership and business potential of women on all levels through mentoring, networking, skill building and economic empowerment programs and projects around the world. ** NEWS: Free Service: Ask Izzy. If you need some help, the Ask Izzy website can connect you with nearby support services across Australia. You can search for over 430,000 services close to you, including financial assistance, meals, mental health counselling, shelter, family violence support, and much more. https://askizzy.org.au |
About Our Organisation
Respect | Diversity | Inclusion As a group of professional and business women we focus on improving the lives of women. Advocate for gender equity through our local, national and international networks and our affiliation with the UN (2030 Sustainable Development Goals). We offer a safe and friendly space for women to share stories, knowledge, ideas and you can contact and forge new friendships. We also provide opportunities for personal and professional development. | Coro 88 Resturant |
President Elect - Board Chair.
2024 - 25 Thank you all for your support and appointing me as the club president. I am truly honoured and grateful for the trust you have placed in me to lead our club. First and foremost, I want to acknowledge the remarkable accomplishments of the previous president Ms. Janette Weeding and the incredible work done by her. Thank you! I would also like to thank each member of our club who are a true reflection of embracing diversity and inclusion. I am so blessed to be here with you all. President Elect Sweta Gupta_2023-24.pdf E: bpwstrathfield@gmail.com |
BPWS2024-25BOARD MEMBERS1. President 2.Vice President 3. Executive Secretary 4. Treasurer (Director of Finance) 5. Communication & Engagement Officer (Director of Marketing) 6. Policy Advisor Patricia Abraham Board / Vice President 2024 -25 Patricia Abraham is the Chief Executive Officer of Eurella Community Services. Eurella is an NDIS registered provider celebrating 70 years of providing supports for people with disabilities of all ages. Prior to joining Eurella in 2018 Patricia has worked in senior leadership roles within the disability sector with extensive experience in not-for-profit management, strategic planning, and advocacy. Faye Helou - Board / Executive Secretary Business woman and advocate. Passionate about – raising the status of women, both in Australia, and around the world. Faye has received several awards for the work she has done in this field: BPW Australia Woman of the Year, Rotary International Service Award for Professional Excellence. The highly esteemed ‘Paul Harris Fellow’ (PHF), which is awarded in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world. Faye has held a chair on the BPW International Mentoring Taskforce, has organised NSW Equal Pay Day events, and is the founding President of BPW Strathfield. As current Board member and past president of Days for Girls Australia Limited,I continue to advocate for all women and girls. Days for Girls is an international project which is a grassroots non-profit organisation creating a more dignified, humane and sustainable world for girls through advocacy, reproductive health awareness, education and sustainable feminine hygiene - "because no girl should go without. Every girl, Everywhere.Period." Emily Moses - Board / Executive Treasurer Janette Weeding - Board / Communications & Engagement.
BAEco & DipEdu Paul Harris Fellow BPWA Pat Harrison Leadership Award E: bpwsmarketing@gmail.com E: bpws200@gmail.com BPWS Executive Mentors Mary Dimarco - Advisor to Treasurer I joined BPW Strathfield in 2015, and enjoy my work as Treasurer and advocacy. The challenges of running a family business (Dimarco Monuments), required the opportunity for me to interact with women in similar roles and diverse business backgrounds. BPWStrathfield proved to be the welcoming organisation for me. Women who share valuable knowledge, guidance, create awareness and friendship. Especially for our newly arrived from other countries. E: treasurerBPWstrathfield@gmail.com Robyn Duncan - Policy Advisor Robyn A Duncan BCom, Grad Cert Public Administration, Cert IV Museum Practices. Robyn joined BPWA in 1980 at BPW Newcastle. She subsequently became a member of BPW Canberra and BPW Adelaide before returning to Canberra in 1995. On the demise of BPW Canberra she was a Member-at-Large and became of member of BPW Strathfield in 2023. She has held office at the Club and Division level. From 1987 to 1990 she was VP External Policy in a new structure for AFBPW introduced at that time. She has attended Australian and Division Conferences as a representative of her club and as an observer. Robyn attended the International Congress in Auckland as an observer. Since 2012 Robyn has been the Public Officer for BPWA. Karen Pensabene BPWS Ambassador Karen has been a member for BPWStrathfield for eight years and Past President of our club. Currently Karen holds the position as Mayor Strathfield Council. Karen brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our club. A strong advocate for improving the lives of women in her local constituency. - MEMBERSMargaret Mathews Member Welcome Margaret Matthews is a accomplished Real Estate consultant and a passionate Humanitarian Advocate, whose work has made significant impacts in both fields. With a wealth of experience in real estate and a heart dedicated to humanitarian causes, she has successfully bridged the gap between professional excellence and altruistic endeavours. Having a strong interest in finding development sites specifically targeting accommodation for the disadvantaged. Margaret has also been deeply involved in the creation of children libraries in remote island communities in the Melanesian region. Residential & Commercial at Sydney Northern Beaches Buyers Agents * We welcome Sylvia Luo Member. Eddie Middleton Heather Middleton Harmony Moxham. Young BPWStrathfield & BPWA Board Member B.A. Criminology Maquarie University. Currently extending her knowledge through Creative Writing and Computer Science at the University of Wollongong (UOW). We have a budding author, and one to follow. Friend of BPWS Mitra Shiva Hussaini https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--cVH5z6REg ![]() PREVIOUS MEMBERSBPWS members are strong. We focus on issues and personal or professional development that are relevant to our community. MOVING ON: continuing the legacy. Past Vice President Belen Deriu B.A. Law Current situation: Lives: Genova. Work: UNODC (Austria). Has completed her Masters Political Science. University of de Geneve. Switzerland. Enjoying the new life in International Relations law. Program Officer for the United Nations Office Geneva and under 30! Go girl!2022 Testemonial: I joined BPW for its values, objectives and it's international presence. As an international lawyer I work towards gender equity and fight for female basic human rights. Thanks to BPW, my social and professional insertion during my time in Australia was much easier and more enjoyable. BPW not only opened professional doors for me, but also helped me integrate socially. Its members accompanied me in my relocation process; they helped me with the simple basic procedures to settle down (opening a bank account, new phone number, new public transport card, new home), they gave me a network, they involved me in their advocacy programs, and most importantly: they gave me a loved family that made me feel welcomed and accompanied in a new country. Belén Past member & author - Alice Mantel Sadly missed, we always enjoyed Alice's sharp wit and knowledge. As a practising lawyer for 30 years: crime, family law and finally and elder law as has experienced a great deal. Facing her own retirement, Alice wanted answers to her own questions about aged care, about working and making the right choice with her. A book was the answer. Catherine Cahill. Catherine has escaped Sydney and now enjoys the Hunter Valley. We miss her input. As a highly regarded public speaker and HR professional, Catherine has extensive experience in private, NFP and government enterprises. We still keep in touch thanks to social media. Orsi Toth-Pal
Engaged and interested in helping women and their families feel welcome and happy to live in Australia.# Just Landed website. Position as Senior Platform Strategy Partner at Yahoo.
Annual Events We have a strong advocate in Councilor and mayor Karen Pensabene. Karen is a role model to breaking the ceiling. For equality and equity. | 2025 HIGHLIGHTSMARCH International Womens Day BPWStrathfield We acknowledge and honour all the women past -present-future who worked tirelessly through the decades to advocate for a secure life for all women and girls. “Accelerate Action,” Youth Human Rights speaker: Kanda Quinlan Days For Girls speaker: Stephanie Ius Induction BPWS Member Margaret Mathews Tuesday 4th February. Congrats! International Night 5th FebruaryWe were moved by the Roq's life of sacrifice and strength, fighting for her child to have the same opportunities that all Australians are privileged with and take for granted. ![]() 2024 HIGHLIGHTSCELEBRATING CHRISTMAS DECEMBER 5th 2024 ![]() We honoured our male support team. Who have supported us all in throughout our BPWStrathfield journey over the many years. DECEMBER **It's in the bag ** Collected over 40 Bags! Food Pantry Hip, Hip, Horray! We delivered a huge pile of bags for the Food Pantry @ St Paul's. Rosemary King was delighted and Father James had the "biggest" smile ever. These generous gifts will provide much needed food for the families in our local area. Businesses provided us with bags, all we had to do was have the community to fill them with food. Thank You Fitbodz Gym and patrons, to BPWS members and friends and Burwood community for donations. Joy to you all. Father James, Janette Weeding, Mary Demarco & Rosemary King. #bpws #bpwstrathfield #bpwinternational #bpw #weps #womenmeanbusiness #itsinthebag2025 BPWS & Fitbodz greatly value the insights and support provided by our local community - “the hidden poverty “ that so many are silently suffering is growing. Ms. Rosemary King a 2024 Burwood "Local Hero" heads the Outreach Program through St Paul's Church Burwood. For further details contact Janette - 0411135295 or just drop off a bag of items at @ Fitbodz Gym - Burwood Plaza - Railway Parade Burwood. NOVEMBER @ National Council of Women Adelaide. 23/24 November.
November 13th. **Empowering Women’s Health and Well-being, Inside and Out** ✨ **Sanctuary by Thrive: A Skin Clinic for Women, Led by Women** ✨
Had the pleasure to meet an extraordinary female doctor concerned with helping the "whole woman". Sanctuary by Thrive is more than just a clinic; it's a space where women's health is truly understood. Led by award-winning GP & Aesthetic Physician Dr. Janina Grant, alongside highly qualified Registered Nurses and Dermal Clinicians, Sanctuary by Thrive offers advanced cosmetic medicine, laser, and skin treatments with an integrated focus on hormonal and metabolic health. Diet, vaginal, gut health and exercise. Janette Weeding BPWS Communications & Engagement.
Today, on Remembrance Day, Defence joins all Australians to observe one-minute silence to acknowledge, honour and remember those who have served our country in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. Many women have and do serve. We acknowledge them. Janette Weeding with Mayor John Faker (Burwood) and Keith Weeding (Rotary Burwood) ![]() Coffee and chat. President Sweta and Margaret Matthew.
It was an honour to celebrate women at NSW Parliament. We were incredibly fortunate to even have 4 generations come together! Jean Arnot’s legacy for the past 30 years in recognising inspiring women in their 90’s for their extraordinary service to their communities has become a tradition where NCW NSW and BPW collaborate to organise this yearly event. It was delightful ti re-engage with the Honourable Jodie Harrison MP Minister for Women, Minister for Seniors, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault who presented this year’s 23 awardees with their recognition and whose presence added great significance to our celebration. What an honour at 90+ AUGUST Equal payday 2024 Theme: it doesn’t add up. Lead Speaker Patricia Abraham CEO Eurella https://indd.adobe.com/view/6051ee53-6fcc-4cfc-a178-a1d1369e2684 Panel: President Sweta Gupta BPWS President & Faye Helou Days for Girls Director. Having three of us provide different perspectives from different experiences personalised the topic to resonate more amongst various audience members! What an amazing event and what an amazing speaker(Patricia). The session was so engaging and informative. We all enjoyed the whole conversation and talk. Sweta Gupta BPWS President. PRIDE OF WORKMANSHIP AWARDEES _ Burwood Rotary CONGRATULAIONS. Patricia, Sweta Janette and Mary @ Burwood Rotary Pride of Workmanship Awards in recognition of Vocational Excellence, Personal Dedication and Effort. JUNE JUNE: Here and Now. Brunch with Shirley Randel, BPWS Immediate Past President Janette Weeding and BPWStrathfield President SWETA GUPTA 8th May MAY 20: Pride of Workmanship Award Citations Burwood Rotary 2024 Congratulations to all. Awards are in recognition of Vocational Excellence, Personal Dedication and Effort Sweta Gupta - Business & Professional Women Strathfield (BPWS) President Sweta Gupta, President of BPWS, was honoured for her exceptional leadership at the New York Conference in March 2024. Representing BPWS and BPW Australia, she advocated for women’s empowerment and gender equality, amplifying the voices of women in Sudan at the UN 68th session on the Status of Women. Sponsored by J & K Weeding Burwood Rotary Sweta proudly holding her citation: Vocational Excellence, Personal Dedication and Effort. Patricia Johnson - Australian Turf Club Patricia Johnson was recognised for her 19 years of dedicated service to the Australian Turf Club. Her commitment to excellence; attention to detail; professionalism and tireless work ethic inspire her colleagues at theNaplan Centre. Sponsored by J & K Weeding Burwood Rotary ![]() Janette Sweta and Patricia proudly holding our BPW Scarf. Glen Knox - Burwood Police Station, Duty Officer – Acting Inspector Acting Inspector Glen Knox is committed to workplace and public safety. His specialist policing knowledge and experience as a police safety skills educator enhance team skills and improve systems for better outcomes. Wayne Brown - George Weston Foods, Senior Flour Miller Wayne has dedicated over 50 years to George Weston Foods. He transitioned from managing an old-style mill to one of the world’s most modern mills, demonstrating exceptional adaptability and dedication. Emma Williams - Eurella Community Services, Volunteer – Lending A Hand:a dedicated volunteer with Eurella. Her group, Lending A Hand, has significantly contributed to client programs, demonstrating enthusiasm and commitment. Anita Bhuta - Eurella Community Services, Client Engagement and Quality Coordinator: ensures client goals and welfare are prioritised.Her kindness and expertise contribute significantly to the organisation. Elena Barducci - Eurella Community Services, Volunteer – Student Placement:an invaluable supporter of Eurella and significantly improved client welfare and best practices. Amina Adra - Eurella Community Services, Bookkeeper and Plan Manager:exemplifies Eurella’s values with her strong work ethic and positive attitude, making her a vital team member. Nicole Butt - Constitution Hill Retirement Village, Village Administration Officer: a proactive problem-solving make her an indispensable part of Constitution Hill Retirement Village. Patricia, Sweta Janette and Mary @ Burwood Rotary Pride of Workmanship Awards in recognition of Vocational Excellence, Personal Dedication and Effort. MAY Check out our face book page for updates. NEW YORK CONFERENCE 10 - 22March 2024 United Nations 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) BPWS President Sweta Honoured to light the candle for Australia Candle light ceremony BPW International New York Conference. (International Federation of Business and Professional Women) is an influential international network of business and professional women from more than 100 countries in 5 continents with Consultative Status at ECOSOC/United Nations. Founded in 1930, BPW International develops the professional, leadership and business potential of women on all levels through mentoring, networking, skill building and economic empowerment programs and projects around the world. MARCH - INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress. Based on the priority theme for the United Nations 68th Commission on the Status of Women. Examines the pathways to greater economic inclusion for women and girls everywhere. Thank you to all who attended. Schools; ACU students & Staff, and community. SPEAKERS: 1: Jordan Baker Journalist Chief Reporter of SMH ( https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1002271434648633 ) 2: Associate Professor Belinda von Mengerson Dean ACU ( https://www.facebook.com/BPWS2020/videos/7444359208934829/ ) 3: Sweta Gupta BPWS President (https://www.facebook.com/BPWS2020/videos/995121795653494 ) INTERNATIONAL: 1. Rozaini Nawawi, Inaugural President of the Federation of BPW Malaysia (2021-2024)
3. Francesca Burack, BPW New York & Un Committee/CEO/President of Fearless Talent Development 3. Dr. Meena Karna, BPW Nepal & UN Committee Speaker Profiles: Speakers IWD_2024.pdf February International Night & Candle Lighting Ceremony This important ceremony is held during a special BPW members and friends meeting. As we light the candles, we honour members past, present and future; honour each of the countries represented, and the accomplishments made through their dedication to our Mission. The act of lighting a candle serves as a physical reminder of their presence, illuminating the room and symbolising the light they brought into our lives. Guest Speaker: Mitra Shiva Hussaini 2023 HIGHLIGHTSCollection for Christmas Food Pantry. Burwood Council, BPWS, Rotary etcHelping hands for those in need: we are all here to help create a more secure and understanding world. Christmas "Kris Kringle" and "Mingle" celebrations 6th December.
*** St Pauls *** Reaching out to help those in need with Rosemary King 8th November. Special September Brunch meeting at Strathfield Council chambers with the newly elected Mayor. We are honoured again to have our BPWS member Karen Pensabene re-elected as Mayor Strathfield Council. Women take the lead - Strathfield Council elections.2023.pdf
Equal Pay Day Explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSbA5rq8U3A Pay Gap in Women's sport - Australia https://www.wgea.gov.au/pay-and-gender/equal-pay-day-2023 AGM _ Wed7th June - Congratulations to all. As the outgoing President I would like to acknowledge the commitment, passion and hard work contributed by the members of BPWStrathfield. Without our women's collective we would have fewer shoulders to lean on. Thank you. Past President Janette Weeding BPWS. President Janette and Vice President Sweta (BPWStrathfield). Round-table consultative conference with Shadow Minister Sussan Ley. 18th May 2023. Honoured to participate at the meeting were childcare, superannuation products and access, returning to work after a mid-career break, and the role of small businesses in securing financial independence. Here is a summary of the main points raised during the meeting: Roundtable Meeting Shadow Minister Sussan Ley 2023.pdf. Suggestions were made to allow employees to stay connected with their employers during maternity leave to maintain job security and career progression. Bias and pressure faced by women returning to work, including part-time or job-sharing arrangements, were discussed, with concerns about workplace judgments and comments from both men and women. The impact on mental health and the need for support during the transition back to work were highlighted. Four key issues discussed: 1 childcare 2 women's participation in business 3 superannuation 4 mid-career break Information about services within the Inner-West Sydney presented at the Community Services Expo 2023. With Mayors Pensabene (Strathfield) and Faker (Burwood) Special Guest Jason Yet-Sen Li (State local Member).Sweta Gupta - a voice to be reckoned with. SMH 23Feb2023. https://www.linkedin.com/in/sweta-gupta-9563a956/ COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTBurwood Safety Consultation Meeting 14/03/23 With Anthony (Outreach Youth Councillor) *** IWD with Strathfield Council. 8th March. With Jana Pittman Congratulations to our BPWS member Karen Pensabene -Elected as Mayor of Strathfield Council 2022-23. Candlelight Dinner 15th February. We were delighted to have Margaret Tipper; Past BPW Australia Secretary as our honoured guest speaker. 2022 HIGHLIGHTS on the cusp of Carona we still can embrace the relationships we forged within our BPW sisterhood.Catching up with our Young BPWA representative Harmony Moxham, it was a very windy morning at Wollongong. Congratulations Harmony on your award. Such an honour. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER "It's in the bag" meet Phalla, the first to put her gifts for women in our "It's in the Bag" Christmas appeal. Melbourne Cup Luncheon - a break from the office.
Sadly or October EXPO at The Pavilion.Cancelled - far too wet to go ahead postponed to Autumn 2023 delighted to have the date 15th March 2023. Such a pleasure to catch up with our State Representative Julianne and members of the Sydney BPW Group. Janette Weeding & Sweta Gupta (BPWStrathfield) Jean Arnot Luncheon at Parliament House Sydney. What an honour to be part of this. Along with BPW Sydney we celebrated the achievement of our "heroes" our 90+ women who inspire. We recognise our women in the Burwood Rotary "Pride of Workmanship" Awards. Mary Demarco and Faye Helou. Along side Councilor Hugo Robinson and District governor Rotary CANDLELIGHT DINNER February 2022 The Year That Was 2021. Zoom; zoom; zoom.... We worked on numerous projects ... like connecting with our local Afghan women; young scientists to see what was needed to start a business; watched Pioneers in Skirts and had monthly Quick Bite national meetings. Do you know about the Womens Empowerment Program? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJKWwcoXduI&t=99s Look what we did in April, it's always lovely to wear a Sari.
2021 IWD congratulated Lalitha Mahadevan as Strathfield's Woman of the Year. Most Deserving. 2020 HighlightsClub meetings were put on hold due to Covid-19. IWD I IWD Launch Women's Week "Innate Power of Women" March Candlelight Night and Hearing Krisha's Story; she's not just a "refugee". 2019 HighlightsThank you Strathfield South Public School; Fitbodz Gym and all Australians. ![]() DECEMBER: Christmas Dinner & Book Launch We love the book and it's just in time for the holidays; shared good food, company and sing-a-long. Happy Hollidays to all. Our Team:collaboration with Strathfield Council "It's In the Bag" ![]() October: We approached Strathfield Council and have agreed to a partnership to Share the Dignity. November -December Program 2019 "It's in the Bag". AUGUST: Equal Pay Day. Financial Security - Financial Happiness Speaker: Sacha Burchgart. Sacha is the recipient of the prestigious Affinia Practice of the Year award in 2016; finalist for the 2018 Female Excellence in Advice Award and the 2018 NAB Women in Finance Award. Sacha currently sits as Chair on the Affinia Adviser Council, has been a keynote speaker for Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Salesforce and is a regular at financial planning licensee conferences. We all learnt a lot and realised how important it is to plan; to secure our future and reduce pay gaps. We had an activity which was rather scary and illustrated how much we really do need to have for a secure life. We need to plan for the "what if's " - "shocks" that can affect our earning capacity. Shocks that could mean that we have a really dim future, that is if we just assume nothing could ever affect us. The night wasn't all 'doom n gloom' but how to plan; the sooner you start the better. Janette, Sacha and Miriam. Sacha is a real power-house of information. August:6 BPW Entrepreneur Social Group & BPW Sydney An engaging night and networking with Miriam BPWSydney president, Janette BPWStrathfield President and Sandra D'Souza Speaker President Entrepreneur Social. July: Meeting and AGM @ Club Burwood. I would like to congratulate all the Board Members for 2019-20. We have a great team.Thank you for joining me for another year. Janette Weeding President. We welcome Belen July: "Want to be a Rock Star" @ UTS Tanya Sydney Club & MC - opens the meeting and engages us all. May: 3 Jean Arnott Luncheon @ State Parliament House. What wonderful women. Active, engaging and 90+ years of age! We joined them in support and to hear their stories. April 13/14 BPWNSW State Conference @Gosford 2022 Respect & Empowerment.1 "Days For Girls Australia"https://www.daysforgirls.org/australia 2 Women Empowerment Principals (WEPs United Nations) 3 Communication | Strathfield's diverse community Meet or Board Janette Weeding P, Sweta Gupta VP, Faye Helou Secretary, Mary Demarco treasurer, Karen Pensabene Members and Harmony Moxham (Young BPWStrathfield and Young BPWAustralia Advisory Board Member) Patricia Abraham Member. Members OnlyThis section can only be accessed by club members. Read more... Our Club SponsorsSponsor logo |
Club ProjectsWe choose the local, national and international projects that our club members will support our club members have chosen to focus currently on these: |
International Project: Days for GirlsIn 2023 Strathfield BPW will continue to reflect on the place that BPW Australia, and individual Clubs occupy in the world of Business and Professional Women. During 2023 our focus is on the progress of our Days for Girls project which is a feminine hygiene & education program providing quality, sustainable solutions for girls who have nothing to manage their period. Without access to hygiene products, girls within many countries in the developing world can miss up to 8 months of school every 3 years. Girls also in our remote Aboriginal communities need our support, we supply kits tho these centres as well. To find out more go to: International: https://www.com/DaysforGirls/ National: https://www.daysforgirls.cog/australia https://www.facebook.com/dfgrydensw/ |
Featured member | ![]() |