• 19 Dec 2012 7:45 PM | Deleted user

    BPWA congratulates the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) in undertaking a project with funding from the Federal Government as announced by Ms Julie Collins, Minister for the Status of Women, to boost the participation of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women on Boards and in decision-making positions.  To read more go to:  FECCA Project Launch Dec12

  • 23 Nov 2012 7:47 PM | Deleted user

    Business and Professional Women (BPW) Australia welcomes the amendments to the Equal Opportunity in the Work Place Act legislation and looks forward to the increased assistance the Agency will be able to provide to business, large and small.

    “We know that women’s participation in the workforce is increasingly common place, yet women in senior decision making and leadership roles continue to be disproportionately underrepresented,” said Marilyn Forsythe, BPW Australia President.   To read more please open the Media Release Media Release Gender Workplace Agency Nov12


    This entry was posted on Friday, November 23rd, 2012 at 11:55 am and is filed under Front Page, Latest News, Posts. You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

  • 21 Nov 2012 7:54 PM | Deleted user

    National women’s groups, economic Security4Women (eS4W) and the National Foundation for Australian Women (NFAW), welcomed the Federal Opposition’s support for the call for a Productivity Commission review of childcare.  However, the national women’s groups expressed regret that the proposed scope of the Opposition’s reference of childcare to the Productivity Commission does not address the key issues that affect women’s workforce attachment.  To read more of the eS4W and the NFAW’s suggestions for the terms of Reference go to:  Media Release eS4W Childcare Productivity Commission 19Nov12


  • 21 Nov 2012 7:51 PM | Deleted user

    Freda Miriklis, BPW International President and Luisa Monini Brunelli, BPW International Health Committee Chairperson, have released the First Yearly Report of the Health Committee.  Luisa reports that as a trained medical doctor, her aim is to promote women’s health.  This work promotes the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles 2, 3 and 4.   The report is a summary of the work that is being done by BPW members worldwide, on a Regional basis, that has a health focus.  Please read this report:  BPWI Year One Health Report Nov12

  • 21 Nov 2012 7:49 PM | Deleted user

    The Australian Government has taken the next step in meeting its commitment to deliver historic equal pay rises to eligible social and community sector workers. The Minister for Community Services, Julie Collins, today announced the Australian Government’s offers as part of its $2.8 billion share of the increases have begun going out to social and community services organisations. “Throughout November, around 4,400 social and community services organisations across Australia will receive letters detailing the Australian Government’s offer towards the pay increases for their workers,”

    Ms Collins said. “The Australian Government is delivering on its commitment to the landmark Fair Work Australia decision. We are continuing to work with the sector and State and Territory Governments to ensure the first instalment of this important equal pay order is delivered on schedule next month,” Ms Collins said.  The Media Release follows:  Media Release Fed Govt – Govt takes next step in delivering historic pay rises Nov12

  • 09 Nov 2012 8:01 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Southwest member Kylie Gaston was elected to Warrnambool City Council in the recent Victorian state elections – her first run at office.  Kylie, who is BPW Southwest’s Catering Coordinator, has a background in communications and runs her own business. She is passionate about encouraging business and tourism in the Region and ran on a platform of promoting Warrnambool as a university city, improving rail services, supporting the arts and culture, and encouraging sustainable growth.  Kylie says she has benefited from the networks membership in BPW has provided and advice from members with experience as councillors and community leaders. Her campaign, she says, was in itself a rewarding experience and she encourages other women to give it a go.

  • 29 Oct 2012 8:03 PM | Deleted user

    Economic Security 4 Women (eS4W), in collaboration with the Brotherhoood of St. Laurence and WIRE Women’s Information, invites you to attend a Forum in Melbourne on Tuesday, 13th November.  The Forum is on Equal Opportunity in An Age of Insecurity – Decent work and economic security for women.  The forum aims to highlight women’s employment insecurity in relation to equality of opportunity in the workforce, present and future exonomic security, and the gendered nature of unpaid and paid work.  It will bring together a range of stakeholders to develop strategies that focus on decent jobs and economic security for women.  To get further details please open the following:  eS4W Invite to Insecure Work Forum – 13 Nov12

  • 04 Oct 2012 8:05 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Australia President, Marilyn Forsythe, declares we need to speak up for tolerance and the positive community that we want, one that provides for equality of opportunity; respect for human rights; safety and freedom from violence; respect for gender equality – and a higher standard of respect within robust public debate.  Events in Australia over the last week has touched many in differing ways.  To read the Full Media Release please open the following BPW Media Release Silent Tolerance 4 Oct12

  • 04 Oct 2012 3:09 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Australia President, Marilyn Forsythe, declares we need to speak up for tolerance and the positive community that we want, one that provides for equality of opportunity; respect for human rights; safety and freedom from violence; respect for gender equality – and a higher standard of respect within robust public debate.  Events in Australia over the last week has touched many in differing ways.  To read the Full Media Release please open the following BPW Media Release Silent Tolerance 4 Oct12

  • 21 Sep 2012 8:07 PM | Deleted user

    CEO of AEC Group, Simon Smith, was staggered at the recent findings from the report ‘Counting on Care Work in Australia’.  AEC Group Ltd undertook this ground breaking research for economic Security4Women.  The unpaid component of the care sector is estimated at 50% of GDP.  To read the Media Release please read:  Media Release eS4W CareEconomy 18Sep12

    The Full Report is available at http://www.security4women.org.au/projects/the-australian-care-economy/counting-on-care-work-in-australia



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