Equal Pay Day – 3rd September 2013

04 Sep 2013 7:05 PM | Deleted user

(Click header to read the full article)  Will you let 3rd September slip by without taking any action? This Equal Pay Day reminds us of the 17.5% gender pay gap. Maybe we should just be grateful that it is less than Japan’s 28% or even Sweden’s 18.4%.    Our gender pay gap, based on average weekly earnings, means women earn $266.20 less per week.  A gender pay gap leads to more than reduced incomes – it also affects the status of women in society.  The gender pay gap crosses all sectors, and all sizes of business. BPW Australia continues to support the work of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency to ensure that the small and medium business sector has tools to readily assist them in making their workplaces gender fair. Equal Pay Alliance partner ecomicSecurity4women is focusing on women in small business at their twilight forum with Sydney University’s Women and Work Research Group on 4th September and at their Pay Equity Forum for small business in Melbourne on 5th September.   To read the BPW EPD Bulletin go to BPW EPD Bulletin 2013 or go to the www.equalpayday.com.au

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