• 01 Sep 2012 3:24 PM | Deleted user

    Never heard of it? Don’t believe it? Don’t know anyone who has experienced that? Common reactions.  But you can’t ignore facts supplied by the ABS this month that confirm the gap in the full time earnings of men and women. And no you can’t blame it on overtime either.  Equal Pay Day is Sunday, 2nd September. A day that draws attention to the gap and the $250 per week difference it makes.   Marilyn Forsythe, President of BPW Australia, admits that progress on this issue is frustratingly slow.

    To find out more about EPD read the full Press Release by opening the following:  Press Release BPWA Equal Pay Day 2012

  • 01 Sep 2012 3:20 PM | Deleted user

    Ahead of Equal Pay Day this Sunday, September 2nd, The Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees (AIST) – the peak body for the $500 billion not-for-profit super sector – has called on the Government to prioritise policies that will close the growing gap in women’s retirement savings. AIST CEO Fiona Reynolds said ongoing pay inequity, combined with women’s lower participation rates in the workforce and the fact that women live longer than men, means that many Australian women would continue to struggle in retirement, with less than half the retirement savings of men. Closing the gender pay gap and introducing measures that compensate women for time out of the paid workforce to raise children and act as carers are critical steps to improving women’s retirement outcomes, Ms Reynolds said.  To read the full AIST Media Release open the following:  Media Release AIST EPD August 2012

  • 14 Aug 2012 1:55 PM | Deleted user

    We need you to participate in an online survey.

    We already know that one third of small businesses are owned and operated by women; that small businesses employ significant numbers of women; that many already offer flexible work arrangements, local employment opportunities and are family friendly.  This survey is a follow up of small to medium employers to find out “What do smaller firm owner-managers think about equal pay and what would encourage smaller firm owner-managers to embed equal pay practice within their firm”.   To read the full flyer please open the following:

    Economic S4W Survey August 2012      To go direct to the survey please open this link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/eS4WSME

  • 06 Aug 2012 2:05 PM | Deleted user

    BPWA August 2012 Bulletin

  • 02 Aug 2012 2:08 PM | Deleted user

    The Director of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA), Helen Conway, called for organisations to set clear numerical targets for appointing women to leadership and management positions, following the release today of a report by KPMG on ASX-listed companies’ response to ASX Corporate Governance Council’s recommendations relating to gender diversity.

    To read the full Media Release go to:  Call for Gender Targets – EOWA August 2012


  • 22 May 2012 2:12 PM | Deleted user

    To read the latest Communique from Freda Miriklis, BPWI International President please go to the following BPWI May 2012 Communique

  • 07 May 2012 2:21 PM | Deleted user

    (9 July 1923 to 12 May 2012)
    Past BPW International President and Past Australian President

    BPW has lost a true icon with the passing of Beryl Nashar on 12 May 2012 and she served the women in the world with passion and commitment. Beryl will always be remembered and honoured by BPW Australia as there is a perpetual trophy “Beryl Nashar Women of Achievement Award” The recipient of the Award is a member who has demonstrated the same qualities as Beryl who believed that:    We should work hard and be prepared to accept responsibility. 

    To read the BPWA President, Marilyn Forsythe’s, tribute to Beryl please see the attachment:   VALE – Beryl Nashar

  • 02 May 2012 2:24 PM | Deleted user

    Australia’s appointment to the UN Women Executive Board will further strengthen our commitment to women’s empowerment, Foreign Minister Bob Carr said today. Australia and Solomon Islands will both take up seats on the UN Women Executive Board from 1 January 2013, providing a unique opportunity to increase the profile of issues facing women in the Pacific, in particular the prevalence of violence against women. “When I met with Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN Women, earlier this month, I reaffirmed Australia’s commitment to the cause of gender equality,” Senator Carr said.

    For full details read the Foreign Minister’s Press Release:  Australian Seat on UN Women Executive Board Apr12

  • 20 Apr 2012 3:26 PM | Deleted user

    Media Release from BPWA President 16th April 2012  MR16Apr12 – Women in the Workforce Winning

  • 20 Apr 2012 2:26 PM | Deleted user

    Media Release from BPWA President 16th April 2012  MR16Apr12 – Women in the Workforce Winning

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