• 13 May 2015 8:58 PM | Jasmyn Mumme (Administrator)
    • Last weekend, 78 BPW Australia members representing every BPW Club, plus four past National Presidents, gathered in Adelaide for the Leadership Summit
    • The conference room was resplendent with new club banners in fresh branding lining the walls and Clubs went home with a new banner from BPW Australia 
    • Delegates at the Special Conference voted to support the National Board’s actions in filling vacancies in between conferences 
    • Fast-paced discussion groups generated good ideas for policy action and the workshop summaries will be circulated next week followed by detailed reports on the website in the coming weeks
    • Keynote speaker Sarah-Jayne Flatters from Trade Up Australia inspired members
    • The new website was launched and members were enthusiastic about the changes and new functionality for club management
    • Members celebrated the day's success with a dinner and a fun BPW Quiz night
    • Congratulations all round went to BPW Adelaide for hosting a great event and arranging a venue with excellent service from the management and staff

  • 03 Feb 2015 3:01 PM | Deleted user

    The Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, announced yesterday that his Government would develop a family policy and a family package focussed on childcare. BPWA welcomes the announcement and also advocates for the continued government supported scheme for paid parental leave that separates its funding from the individual workplace. Support for improvements in access to high quality childcare for all Australian families should not detract from properly funded parental leave. BPWA welcomes any investment in childcare as a career pathway for women, the increase in qualifications and higher wages for staff that should lead to increased satisfaction of employees, retention of quality staff and reduced turnover. However, concerns continue about the restrictive nature of childcare options and we advocate for careful consultation by the Government in developing the new policy and family package.

  • 25 Nov 2014 2:30 PM | Jasmyn Mumme (Administrator)
    BPW Australia congratulates Australian and New Zealand Police Commissioners for their joint stand on the prevention of violence against women and children. In a meeting at the Australian Parliament yesterday, ten commissioners urged cultural change and a focus in the community on the links between sexist attitudes and the acceptance of violent behaviour. Governor-General Peter Cosgrove said the show of unity from the police commissioners demonstrated that the days of keeping quiet were over.
  • 24 Nov 2014 10:30 AM | Jasmyn Mumme (Administrator)
    BPW Australia congratulates Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick on winning the Australian Financial Review/Westpac Woman of Influence 2014 award. Elizabeth has worked actively for gender equality throughout her career and her work at the Australian Human Rights Commission has produced significant government and community focus on access to child care, parental leave and the treatment of pregnancy in the workplace, issues that are so critical to sustaining Australian women’s equal place in the workforce. Read more.

  • 22 Nov 2014 3:24 PM | Deleted user

    BPW is offering a fantastic opportunity to one of our members. BPW Australia has partnered with the National Gender Equality Assembly over the past few years and we are doing so again in 2015. The Assembly will be held at Rydges World Square, Sydney, on Friday, 30 January 2015. Read the program attached at the end of this article, outlining an impressive line up of speakers offering some thought provoking views.

    The Assembly has provided one free registration for a BPW member which will go to the winner of a small competition. All you have to do is to write a short statement, in 100 words or less, explaining why you would like to attend the Assembly, and how you would share your insights and new knowledge with other BPW members. Send your entry along with your membership number to President Janis Shaw at president@bpw.com.au by Tuesday, 9 December 2014, and the winner will be announced the following Friday. Please note that travel will be at the winner’s own expense.

    The Assembly will also give a $300 discount to BPW Australia members who register by 17 December 2014.

    The Gender Equality Program                                                   F028GenderEquality

  • 21 Nov 2014 3:33 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Australia congratulates the organisations that have received citations as Employer of Choice for Gender Equality in the 2014 inaugural awards. The citations extend the scope of the Employer of Choice citations awarded in 2014 by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency compared to citations awarded in previous years, and require successful organisations to have demonstrated significant initiative and commitment to achieving gender equity in the workplace. For the first time, the citation process has assessed remuneration data to compare women and men across all levels of organisations as well as the strategies reported by organisations in order to improve and sustain gender equity achievement.

    WGEA Director Helen Conway said: “We know sustained and multi-faceted interventions are required to address the structural and cultural barriers that prevent women and men from equally participating at all levels of an organisation. This year’s citation holders have each demonstrated their commitment to maximising the full potential of their entire talent pool.”

  • 12 Nov 2014 3:36 PM | Deleted user

    The 2014 Edna Ryan Award recipients were recently announced.
    BPW Australia Past President, Marilyn Forsythe was awarded in the category of
    “Workforce for improving conditions for women workers”

    Congratulations Marilyn from BPW Australia.  Your advocacy and hard work is deserving of such recognition.
    Read more…

  • 07 Nov 2014 3:38 PM | Deleted user

    The judging panel consisting of Past President Marilyn Forsythe, Director of Young BPW Erin Chew and Young BPW Awardee Mayase Jere, has decided the winning entries in the EPD Club Competition. There were more entries this year and three categories; winning clubs receive $200.  Check out all of the winning entries here.

    Congratulations to:
    Category 1.  Best Equal Pay Day slogan/message: BPW Joondalup
    Category 2.  Best article on an Equal Pay Day club event: BPW Adelaide
    Category 3.  Best media coverage: Joint winners: BPW Coffs Harbour and BPW Joondalup

  • 15 Aug 2014 3:54 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Australia is disturbed by the almost 1% increase in the pay gap between men and women over the past 12 months. Despite all attempts by government to ensure better workplace practices, somehow employers are missing the mark.

    BPW Australia calls upon the government to educate employers about the concept of a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work, and end the secrecy of what men earn in their pay packet compared to women. If there was improved transparency around what workers were paid, women would be better valued for the work they do to keep the Australian economy burning.

    Equal pay day 5 September – 66 days extra to work to earn same as men in previous year

    This year, a woman has to work 66 days longer than a man to earn the same annual income, according to the figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

    National President of BPW Australia, Dr June Kane says members have every right to be angered and dismayed by the continued disregard and lack of respect for the contribution women make to the world of work in Australia.

    BPW Australia has a long history in lobbying this issue at the highest levels, and there seems to be nothing to celebrate this year, with one of the worst figures in gender pay equity for 20 years.  Employers are being asked to examine their work practices, and ensure that women are being paid on an equal footing with their male co-workers. There should be zero tolerance for sex discrimination in the pay packet.

    On September 5, women are encouraged to wear red, as a symbol of solidarity for equal pay.

  • 18 Jul 2014 3:49 PM | Deleted user

    As G20 countries met in Sydney to discuss global trade and finance this week, business leaders came together at an important event highlighting the difference women’s empowerment and gender equity make to the bottom line.  The Grattan Institute reports that a six per cent rise in female participation would increase the size of the Australian economy by around $25 billion a year. With the productivity imperative and growth targets in mind, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (ACCI) Productivity Leadership Program, with partners  BPW Australia, the Australian National Committee for UN Women, UN Global Compact Network Australia, Australian Human Rights Commission,  AMMA,  AWRA and Corporate Sustainability Australia, hosted this special WEPS event.

    Business Leaders Agree Gender Equity is Good Business Sense

BPW Australia Newsletter Archive

Past editions of BPW Australia's electronic newsletters can be viewed as a PDF - see below.

Current editions of the quarterly e-magazine Madesin can be accessed here.


2015 March
2015 February
2015 January


2014 December
2014 November
2014 October
2014 September
2014 August
2014 July
2014 June
2014 May
2014 April
2014 March
2014 February
2014 January


2013 December
2013 November
2013 October
2013 September

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