• 27 Jun 2017 3:02 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)
    In this Diversity Council of Australia report Dr Graeme Russell and Dr Michael Flood, two of Australia’s leading researchers in Diversity and Inclusion, draw on the latest evidence and experience to offer a set of recommendations for how organisations can engage men effectively to achieve gender equality at work.  The report makes the point that while involving men in efforts to drive gender equality is important – it mustn’t be at the expense of women’s voices and it shouldn’t be viewed as ‘the magic bullet’. 
  • 27 Jun 2017 2:46 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    The Flexible Work. What’s Working and What’s Not? survey identified the barriers, issues, myths and opportunities presented by flexible work from the perspective of both employees and employers. The voluntary survey was conducted in April 2017 and reported on Australia’s first ever national Flexible Working Day: 21 June 2017. The findings from the survey have been distilled into this report, to drive a social change initiative about the win-win benefits of modern approaches to flexible working for both employers and employees. 

  • 13 Jun 2017 6:23 PM | Jasmyn Mumme (Administrator)

    BPW Australia congratulates long term Darwin member and former publicity officer Linda Fazldeenon  or being awarded  in the 2017 Queen's Birthday Honours.  

    Linda has been appointed to the Order of Australia for significant service to women as an advocate for gender balance in business leadership, to public administration and to the community.

    Linda is a great example of the principles and vales of BPW and we are honoured to have her as a valued member.

  • 03 Jun 2017 2:39 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    In 2014, when we ended a thirty year tradition of releasing a women’s impact statement with the Federal Budget,   Australia committed to reducing our workforce participation gender gap by 25% by 2025 at the G20 in Brisbane.  In 2017, we are seeing an Office for Women that doesn’t seem to have much capability in managing it, and a Minister for Women who doesn’t appear particularly interested in it.  So who  is responsible for  reducing the workforce participation gender gap? https://womensagenda.com.au/latest/eds-blog/confusion-apathy-surrounds-2025-commitment-gender-equality/ 

  • 03 Jun 2017 2:37 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    Sexual equality makes economic sense; governments should measure it and budgets promote it. Violence against women; failing to educate girls properly; unequal pay and access to jobs: all take an economic toll. At its simplest, gender budgeting sets out to quantify how policies affect women and men differently, which converts exhortation about treating women fairly into the coin of government: costs and benefits, and investments and returns. http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21717375-sexual-equality-makes-economic-sense-governments-should-measure-it-and-budgets-promote-it-why

  • 31 May 2017 4:18 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    The gender pay gap remains a feature of the Australian labour market for too long, and must be addressed. Persistent gender pay gaps weaken the financial position and future economic security of women, and reveal differences in how society values the respective contributions of women and men in the workforce. The 2017 WGEA report seeks to deepen the understanding of the gender pay gap in Australia; it compares the gender pay gaps across full-time, part-time and casual workers, and across industries and occupations. https://www.wgea.gov.au/sites/default/files/BCEC%20WGEA%20Gender%20Pay%20Equity%20Insights%202017%20Report.pdf

  • 31 May 2017 4:17 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    Thanks in part to the gender pay gap, the gender wealth gap more than doubled between 2002 and 2014. The latest data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey shows Australian women trail men in total wealth, and are more likely than men to have their assets tied up in a family home. This means their finances are more precarious, and they have less saved for retirement.  https://theconversation.com/women-rely-on-the-family-home-to-support-them-in-old-age-76703  

  • 27 May 2017 4:33 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    For the first time, Equileap - which aims to advance gender equality in the workplace - ranked over 3,000 companies across 19 gender equality criteria, reporting on the progress towards equality within 200 companies. Global Compact Network Australia members NAB and Westpac were ranked in the top 10 in their global 2017 Gender Equality Report and Transurban was ranked in the top 20, joining only six other companies in reporting no gender pay gap. Download Equileap's full 2017 report at http://equileap.org/educate/

  • 19 May 2017 9:29 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    French President Emmanuel Macron has unveiled a gender-balanced cabinet in accordance with an earlier pledge, with 11 of 22 posts taken by women. Sylvie Goulard is defence minister while Olympic fencing champion Laura Flessel is sports minister.  Other women ministerial appointees include: Agnès Buzyn - health, Murielle Pénicaud - labour and Françoise Nyssen - culture.  And Marlène Schiappa, whose successful blog Maman Works saw her dubbed the "spokeswoman for working mums", becomes junior minister for equality between women and men.


  • 19 May 2017 9:07 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    It was announced at the recent Annual Global Summit of Women in Japan, a prestigious international business summit which focuses on women’s advancement in the global economy, that the next Global Summit of Women will be held in Sydney in 2018.


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