Western Australia

Take the next step and come and join us!

BPW WA is committed to equal opportunities in work, business, leadership and society - non-partisan, non-denominational and part of the national BPW Australia group and the world wide international organisation in more than one hundred countries worldwide, BPW International.

Together we are committed to 

  • more women in managerial positions in all areas
  • equal wages for women and men
  • better work-life balance
  • better financial security for all women

WA Division Council Leadership Team

BPW WA President Kate Waters

Treasurer Jasmyn Mumme
Membership Vacant                                                                                                     
Marketing Gayna McBride
Secretary Jasmyn Mumme
Immediate Past President Sandra Cook
Friends Ambassadors Maria Wesley Glenda James  

Upcoming events

    • 30 Mar 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Belmont BEC Boardroom 216 Belmont Ave, Belmont WA

    Registration open to Members of BPW Western Australia 

    • 30 Mar 2025
    • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Belmont BEC Boardroom 216 Belmont Avenue, Belmont

    Registration open to Members of BPW Western Australia 

    This is the first in the Conference Skill Building Series which will cover three key areas for BPW Members:

    Behind the Podium– Learn how BPW conferences operate, the roles available, and how you can actively contribute as a delegate, volunteer, or committee member. 30 March 2025 

    Resolutions Workshop – Understand the power of resolutions in shaping BPW’s future, learn how to propose impactful changes, and develop the skills to engage in informed debate and decision-making. 27th April 2025

    Awards Workshop – Gain insights into BPW WA’s prestigious awards, how to craft a compelling nomination, and what it takes to stand out as an award-winning leader or club. Online 4th May

COMING EVENTS:  30 March 2025

Find a local club and enjoy the diversity of women
or join the BPW WA eClub for dynamic online meetings

BPW WA  was founded in 1946 and since then thousands of Western Australian women have been members, benefiting from this unique organisation with its core aim of gender equality. 

BPW WA President, Kate Waters, is the State Representative on the national BPW Australia Board. 

Contact us: bpwwa@bpw.com.au


City Central

BPW Perth is renowned for its hospitality. 

BPW Perth began in 1946 and for many years was the only club in WA.   The founding members included many well-known pioneers of the women's movement with a focus on education and politics to make a difference for women.

For seven decades members have gathered for monthly dinner meetings and regular business meetings to progress issues of importance for women.

BPW Perth members travel internationally to BPW conferences in Europe, South America and Asia and to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women held annually in New York.

Contact: perth@bpw.com.au

"I would personally like to welcome you to the Perth Business and Professional Women's Club.  If you are interested in meeting informed, helpful and supportive women, come along to our monthly meetings.
We take pride in being involved in all aspects of women’s business and welfare. The evenings are always lively, informative with an eclectic group of women from all backgrounds."     
Lynne Doyle | BPW Perth President 

BPW Perth Christmas Cruise 2020

Eastern Suburbs

BPW Belmont is a relaxed and open environment with an emphasis on sharing and collaboration.

It doesn't matter whether you're young, or young at heart, nor does it matter whether you are a business-woman, a professional or neither, because every woman has something to contribute or  to enjoy. BPW Belmont is a small but highly effective club, with a focus on empowering women and youth, both at a local and a global level.

Supporting each other in personal growth and in times of need.  We provide a forum where women can enrich their knowledge and understanding in the civic, economic and political arenas, offering interesting and informed speakers and an environment of mentoring and sharing. Develop your potential and be your best you!

Supporting others by helping women everywhere to gain economic independence and in turn, they will enrich their communities. We assist our sister clubs around the world and work to promote economic empowerment and recognition of human rights.

Contact: belmont@bpw.com.au

"You will always find a very warm welcome at BPW Belmont, where we believe that it's important to be yourself.  

Enjoying good company, some quality networking and making friendships for life are just some of the benefits.
Kathryn Yew - Club President 
BPW Belmont President


Northern Suburbs


BPW Joondalup-Wanneroo features expert speakers on issues facing women locally and around the world.

Our  projects and programs focus on what matters to women including health, equal pay and leadership skills – our goal is to help women gain the skills they need to succeed in whatever they want to do. 

We run a UN Women (formerly UNIFEM) Spring Walk annually, support the White Ribbon campaign against domestic violence every year and also raise funds for BPW’s international projects including the BPW International nursing school with scholarships for women in girls in La Paz, Mexico.

Our club has a reputation for being committed, reliable, loud (!), fun, friendly, involved, supportive, energetic and liable to burst into song at any moment. 

We actively encourage new members and guests to join us at our meetings.

We meet monthly, and our events include dinner meetings, personal development and training workshops, social outings and working breakfasts!  

Contact: joondalup@bpw.com.au

"Members of BPW Joondalup welcome you to join us at our regular events offering great networking opportunities with other like-minded women from the northern suburbs of Perth.  

Hear more about our special projects which include education opportunities for women and girls in Papua New Guinea and Mexico, plus we participate in the world-wide campaign for Equal Pay and gender equity."                   

Helen Toon BPW Joondalup            

20th Anniversary in 2020


Online BPW WA eClub

BPW WA e-Club is a virtual Business and Professional Women's Club, connecting business and professional women from across Western Australia through regular online meetings with guest presenters, both local and from all around the world.

BPW WA eClub helps members stay in touch with women's issues and with each other, to build new professional networks, continue their professional development and contribute to advocacy campaigns to ensure women have equal opportunities in all aspects of life through economic security and financial empowerment.

We also have fun along the way and many life-long friendships are forged.

At BPW WA State Conference and BPW Australia National Conference, there are opportunities to meet face-to-face with other members and travel opportunities can take you to BPW clubs, anywhere in the world.

Contact: eclub@bpw.com.au

Women live busy lives and it is not always possible to attend local meetings. There may not be a BPW group that is easy to get to from where you live or work, particularly for rural and remote WA women but even for many business and professional women living in our cities, life can get in the way of regularly attending meetings of an evening or early morning - especially if they are balancing working full-time, carer responsibilities, nurturing children and other life circumstances that limit their time and/or mobility. 


BPW Australia is keen to expand BPW across the State of Western Australia.  If you are interested in establishing a BPW club in your local community, please contact Kate Waters, BPWA Director of Membership membership@bpw.com.au to obtain the support and new club resources that are available.

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