BPW Swan Hill

About our Club

Community Involvement

We support local school awards, ethical practices in the garment industry, Australian Citizenship welcome, Fruit Fly Distribution, Forest of Christmas Tree, provide a Christmas Hamper donated to Anglicare for distribution and the Australia Day Citizen awards and Talk at the Table monthly luncheons in pre-COVID times.

Australia Day.  We celebrated our 41st year of service to Australia Day breakfast in January 2021, which is enjoyed and appreciated by the BPW members in a COVID safe way. 

We proudly wore our new Swan Hill BPW business shirts.

Swan Hill BPW was established in 1957 and we celebrated our 60th Anniversary in November 2018 as well as BPW Australia 70th Anniversary of BPW Australia. 

On August 26th, 2020 we celebrated our 90th Anniversary of BPW International together with our ‘sister’ Clubs around the world. 

We adapted to Zoom meetings since April, 2020 in response to COVID-19 pandemic have impacted heavily on our lives.

Our AGM was held on Zoom for the first time in history 12th August 2020.

Leadership meetings of Presidents across Australia are held on 3rd Wednesday of each month via Zoom meetings. 

Equal Pay Day 28th August 2020

Our vision is to empower women in business and enhance personal development. 

Dinner meetings showcase inspirational speakers, who build our members knowledge and personal development.

Future goals

2021 in conjunction with other service clubs in Swan Hill, will attempt to address the need for extra accommodation for domestic violence victims in our community.

We support, lobby and mentor wherever appropriate and act on issues of importance to women and girls.  Our club endeavours to make a difference.

Club Contact Details                                 Meeting Date and Place
Vickie Merritt                                                        2nd Wednesday night of each month

Email:  bpwswanhill@gmail.com                                 Swan Hill Club Function Room
Phone: 0427 439 219

BPW Swan Hill 
2017 60th Anniversary

2017 was a very special year for BPW Swan Hill, when the club turned 60 and members decided to celebrate! On 25th November 2017 members from across Australia joined Swan Hill members for a weekend of workshops followed by a gala dinner. It was fun and will be long remembered.

Month: March 2025

Mar 1
Apr 1

We welcome you

If you are interested in finding out more about BPW in your local area, you are invited to join us at one of our meetings.  Please check the events sections above to find out what's on this month.  You can book online to attend.  You will find out more about us, meet some of our wonderful members and enjoy a topical guest speaker.

  Vickie Merritt  


From the Club President

  • Throughout 2020, the innovative and determined way Swan Hill BPW members face adversity has been demonstrated in the uptake of zoom meetings since April 2020.
  • Our national and global networking has been enhanced with access to zoom meetings with BPW Australia’s innovative regular Leadership and Quick Bites tele meetings.
  • We celebrate the benefits of our membership, self-development, learning about other women, enable and support women to reach their full potential.
  • Swan Hill is a very supportive, progressive group of women who openly welcome new members and provide support through mentoring.  
  • We welcome inspiring guest speakers at our dinner meetings where networking with friendly and dynamic women is encouraged.

   President: Vickie Merritt

Club Location

About our club

In BPW, members matter most.  We focus on issues and personal or professional development that is relevant to our own club.  We enjoy different types of meetings, including dinner with a speaker, workshops to enhance our skills and social events where lifelong friendships are made.

First ever AGM conducted over Zoom 12th August 2000

Our Special Projects

  • Domestic Violence
  • Australia Day Breakfast at Riverside Park Swan Hill
  • Support for senior female EAL (English as an Additional Language) students
  • Support Anglicare clients in our Christmas Hamper
  • Help fund Lebanon
  • Equal Pay Day

Our Past Events

Take a look at some of our club's past dinner meetings, workshops and social events.  Read more..

Members Only

This section can only be accessed by club members.  Read more...

Club Projects

We choose the local, national and international projects that our club members will support our club members have chosen to focus currently on these:

Australia Day Breakfast

Australia Day Breakfast BPW Swan Hill has been involved with Swan Hill’s Australia Day Breakfast since its’ inception in 1981.  Our Club is responsible for providing the food and drink to feed approximately 1000 people.  BPW members, partners and friends all help with setting tables and preparing food.  Numerous other Swan Hill organisations take on an area of responsibility to ensure the breakfast is a huge success each year.



 Australia Day 41st Breakfast at Swan Hill COVID Style

(picture above) No crowds at this one!

BPWI 90 Birthday Celebration - a group effort

On August 26th we celebrated the 90th birthday of BPW International celebration dressed in yellow fancy masks, with iced yellow cupcakes.  We had a terrific attendance of 22 members.  Deb Porteous our media chairperson, posted our club ‘before and after’ photo together with our photo of the creative and imaginative yellow masks on zoom for our celebration.  This created much discussion on Facebook and gave BPW Swan Hill great exposure.  Thanks to everyone for coming on board, the sewers that helped me make the masks-Helen Gell, Anthea Hudson and Marie Schlemme, Lisa Thompson for the beautiful baked cupcakes and Elise for making her Business at DUSTY’s the drop off and pick-up spot.  Marie Schlemme found a historical photo of BPW members at Swan Hill North school dressed as students School Uniforms which was received with a positive and festive vibe.  Your long legs made a big hit Helen Gell.


Encouragement Awards for senior secondary EAL, English as an Additional Language students at both MacKillop College and Swan Hill College. President Vickie Merritt presented each of the girls in a COVID safe environment.  This encouragement award is presented each year.


Quick Bites

Quick Bites meetings were enjoyed by Swan Hill BPW members through the lockdown in 2020

International Night

International Evening Candle Lighting Celebration-March 8th at Java Spice, Indonesian Restaurant Swan Hill.

Pictured May Ward (Int Chair), Pranne McDonald (Guest Speaker) and Vickie Merritt (President)

Scoop of Awards

wan Hill
reakfast is a huge
success each year.
Scoop of Awards for BPW Swan Hill at the BPW National Conference in Brisbane 2nd, 3rd and 4th November, 2018

At the BPW Australia State Gathering November, 2017 Swan Hill BPW scooped up awards:

Maria Noble-Hayes received -Pat Harrison Award (Club President Leadership-Mentoring, Promoting Young BPW, Club Programs, Community Programs).)

Promoting Young BPW, Cub Programs.

Helen Gell for The Club Commitment Award (BPW commitment for over ten years) and continues to counsel and support our club

Anne Daniel received-Beryl Nasher Award for outstanding contribution to BPW Aims and Purpose. Congratulations to all the recipients. 


The Guardian, Swan Hill article.

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