There are 20 places available in the BPW Swan Hill Stepping Up to Leadership Program, funded by the Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal (FRRR) and delivered locally by BPW Swan Hill. The Program is an ongoing opportunity for women in the region to improve themselves not just in business, but for those interested in our community to Step Up Into Leadership.
The confidence to take a leading role isn't easy for all of us. This program will give you the skills and support to do it. Community leaders will share their knowledge throughout the six session program, which will also develop skills in media, public relations and marketing, communityengagement, and advocacy. The program will build participants' self understanding and confidence, and facilitate goal setting and achievement.
Women between 20 and 60 years old, living in the Swan Hill, Wakool or Gannawarra region can apply.
Applications are now open and close on April 15, 2016 The six session program will run from May 11 to October, with a graduation in November. The program also includes individual coaching sessions with our facilitator, Rosanne Kava.
This is a heavily subsidised program made possible by a grant from FRRR. As a result, successful applicants will be required to pay only $200 to participant in this wonderful opportunity. BPW Swan Hill is part of a global organisation with close ties to the United Nations and a leading role in women's issues around the world.
This is a heavily subsidised program made possible by a grant from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, as a result, successful applicants will be required to pay only $200.00 – this is a non-refundable participant fee.
To ensure participants receive the full benefits of the Stepping Up to Leadership Program the following attendance policy has been developed:
A minimum of 80% attendance is required. If a participant is unable to attend an event due to an emergency, a ‘Leave’ letter/email should be sent to the Program Coordinator as soon as possible. Participants are asked to schedule their calendars to enable the attendance requirements to be met. Participants who are unable to achieve the attendance requirements are encouraged to withdraw prior to the program’s commencement enabling a ‘reserve candidate’ to be offered a position in the program.
The Step Up to Leadership Committee has determined that it will review the viability of an individual’s continued participation if absences are such that attendance required is at risk.
Selection Criteria:
The BPW Swan Hill – Stepping Up to Leadership Program will select participants based on the following considerations:
- A practical geographic spread
- Representation from varying employment/volunteer backgrounds
- A variety of education experiences
- Representation from varying age groups
- Representation that reflects the diversity of culture in our region
- Demonstrated passion for community work
2016 Program Calendar
Program Day
Launch Evening
11th May
Swan Hill Club
Program Day 1
29th May
9.30am – 3.00pm
Swan Hill Club
Program Day 2
19th June
9.30am – 3.00pm
Kerang TBC
Program Day 3
10th July
9.30am – 3.00pm
Program Day 4
21st August
9.30am – 3.00pm
Program Day 5
9th October
9.30am – 3.00pm
Program Day 6
30th October
9.30am – 3.00pm
Graduation Dinner
9th November
Any further information contact: Anne Daniel 0409 961 852
Closing date for submission of applications is
5pm Friday 15th April 2016