Become a member of BPW Australia

Join BPW Australia. Belong to an international network of lively and interesting women that includes employers and employees who work across many sectors including corporate, small business, professions, trades, non-profit and government.  BPW Australia welcomes as members women in both paid and voluntary work, including women who used to work and women who aspire to work. 

Members all champion the right of women to participate fully at every level of the workforce across all these sectors and make real differences in women’s lives by raising awareness, leading debate and driving change. And we network, learn and have fun along the way.

BPW Australia Annual Membership Options
BPW Member $225
BPW Concession Member $112.50
BPW Corporate Member $1200  (Up to 4 Members)
BPW Small Business Member (A) $300 (B) $525 (Up to 2 members)
Note: All new members also pay a one-off Joining Fee

Friends of BPW $55
You can also choose to support BPW Projects for women and girls as a Friend of BPW.

What are my membership fees used for? Read here

Advocacy | Leadership | Achievement | Education | Gender Equality | International Understanding |Personal Development

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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

Member benefits

Membership pack including your own BPW badge (new members only)

  • Member rates to attend monthly Club meetings and events
  • Eligibility for nomination to your Club Executive Committee
  • Voting rights at Club level
  • Member rates to attend the BPW Australia National Conference
  • Voting rights at BPW Australia National Conference through your Club
  • The opportunity to vote as a Delegate on behalf of your Club
  • Eligibility for nomination to the BPW Australia Board
  • Member rates to attend the triennial BPW International Congress
  • Voting rights at BPW International Congress through BPW Australia
  • The opportunity to vote as a Delegate on behalf of BPW Australia
  • Eligibility for nomination to the BPW International Executive 
  • Ability to nominate to attend the Commission on the Status of Women in New York as a BPW International Delegate
  • Member access to the BPW Australia website and resources
  • Entrance to the Keys to Achievement program and rewards
  • Eigibility for scholarships through the Agnes Robertson Fund
  • Discounts on facilitated training programs
  • Discounts negotiated on behalf of members (when available)
  • Members’ e-Bulletin
  • Annual Report, Conference Report and other members-only documentation 

Club Membership 

You can also opt to nominate a club that you would like to join if there is one near you. Please note that an eClub is under development for members who are not near a club.

When you join BPW as a Member, you become a Member of both BPW Australia and of BPW International, opening up broad opportunities to engage, learn, contribute to achieving BPW’s aims and participate in personal and professional development.

Belonging to your local Club brings additional benefits, including regular communications about Club projects and programs and contact details of Club members to foster networking and mentoring.  As a member of BPW Australia and BPW International, you can attend meetings of any Club across the country and even across the globe!  If you are travelling within Australia, remember to check the website Club pages to see when and where the Club in your destination meets.

Sometimes a member is not located where BPW Australia has a local club, or has travel or other commitments that prevent her from attending Club meetings.  If you are interested in supporting the objectives of BPW Australia but cannot join a Club, it is possible to join BPW Australia directly as an Independent Member.  As an Independent Member you will be encouraged to link remotely with a BPW Club so you can receive communications and engage with online activities. You will be contacted by the BPWA Director of Membership to make these arrangements.

Find a Club to Join

Click on the map to find clubs.
Club Selector

Corporate Members

A company may seek Corporate Membership and allocate up to four members to attend Club meetings. More details.

Corporate partnership with BPW Australia will benefit your organisation by:-

  • raising awareness of your organisation locally and nationally with BPW Australia members 
  • increasing your brand’s visibility in a targeted niche market 
  • communicating your competitive advantage with a rapidly growing member base 
  • providing opportunities to meet business and professional women 
  • opening up sponsorship and marketing opportunities for your business locally and nationally 
  •  providing development opportunities for your people and ways to grow their personal, business and professional skills

Small Business Membership has 2 categories (A) and (B):
Join and pay and online. Complete your nominated employees on this form.

For more information on Corporate Membership of BPW Australia, please contact Director of Membership 
or complete the Expression of Interest to Become a Corporate Member Form: More details

(A)  Small Business Membership

(Standard BPW Australia Membership $300)

One full membership (with all benefits of a BPW Australia member, including voting rights at club and National levels, see webpage for further benefits)
and two rotating employee guests (attending cub events at members prices, no voting rights)
Plus a standard one-off Joining Fee of $25 which includes covers cost of a Name Badge for the full member (business owner) plus two rotating guest badges for employees

Total Package Costs: $325 

Additional generic name badges for each Small Business category for rotating employee guests (to be held by Company and work at events by rotating employee guest - ie BPW Perth, Small Business Member Guest)

(B)  Small Business Cost Membership

(Standard BPW Australia Membership x 2 $450 + $75)

Two full memberships (with all benefits of a BPW Australia member, including voting rights at club and National levels, see webpage for further benefits) and up to four rotating employee guests (attending cub events at members prices, no voting rights)
Plus, standard on-off Joining Fee of $50 ($25 for each full member)
Total Package Costs: $575
Additional generic name badges can be purchased for each Small Business category (cost approx $15 each badge) for rotating employee guests (to be held by Company and work at events by rotating employee guest - ie BPW Perth, Small Business Member Guest)

Friends of BPW Australia - Cost $55

By becoming a Friend of BPW Australia you will assist us in our work to educate and empower women and girls to reach their true potential through life changing special BPW projects. You are not required to meet club attendance obligations. Your Friends membership fees are held in reserves for projects only.  BPW is a recognised leader on issues important to women and holds consultative status with the United Nations. Other membership benefits include quarterly updates on our projects, invitations to annual showcase events and you will receive the BPW Australia Annual Report.

Life Members

Life Membership – is bestowed upon a BPW member by Club, Division or nationally. It recognises a member who has made an exceptional contribution to BPW and to women in Australia.

Honorary Members 
Honorary Membership – is for women on whom BPW would like to bestow membership in recognition of their contribution to the Australian community. It can be bestowed by a Club, Division or nationally.

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