• 30 Aug 2013 7:09 PM | Deleted user

    The NAB National Small Business Summit, a COSBOA initiative,  took place at the Brisbane Convention Centre on 24 and 25 July 2013.  Leading regulators, business and industry leaders and representatives, senior politicians and bureaucrats attended to discuss key issues surrounding people, policy and partnership for small businesses.   Opposition leader, Tony Abbott, was there as was Small Business Minister Gary Gray and his Parliamentary Secretary Bernie Ripoll and shadow Minister for Small Business Bruce Billson.  The CEO of the Business Council of Australia, Jennifer Westacott was a keynote speaker, together with Chris Jordan (ATO), Michael Schaper (ACCC), and Stephen Munchenberg (ABA).    The full program is available at the Summit website.   http://www.thenationalsmallbusinesssummit.com.au/

  • 23 Aug 2013 7:11 PM | Deleted user

    The Workplace Gender Equity Agency (WGEA) has advised, 22nd August 2013, that with the release of the new Average Weekly Earnings data by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, that they have calculated that Equal Pay Day in 2013 will fall on Tuesday, 3rd September.  The new ABS figures show that the current national gender pay gap remains relatively unchanged at 17.5%, and the industries with the highest gender pay gap are health care and social assistance (32.3%), financial and insurance services (31.4%) and professional, scientific and technical services (30.1%).  WGEA will be updating their Gender Pay Gap Factsheet shortly, so check their website at www.wgea.gov.au

  • 19 Aug 2013 7:12 PM | Deleted user

    The Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) has released a new series of Factsheets, developed in conjunction with Diversity Council Australia and other industry experts and professionals. These ten factsheets cover a range of issues, from exploring cultural diversity in the context of Australia’s broader workforce, to legal frameworks concerning workplace discrimination.  For the Factsheets go to http://www.fecca.org.au/resources/harmony-in-the-workplace-factsheets

    This entry was posted on Monday, August 19th, 2013 at 3:50 pm and is filed under Front Page, Latest News, Posts. You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

  • 26 Jul 2013 7:13 PM | Deleted user

    The financial disadvantage Australian women will face in retirement has nothing to do with whether they have a family, according to new research by The Australia Institute. The paper What’s choice got to do with it? found that women retire with substantially less savings than men, even if they don’t have children or care for elderly parents and stay in full time work. The analysis uses hypothetical examples to illustrate how the life course and work patterns of four different women, a nurse, a lawyer, a finance analyst and a retail worker will likely impact on their superannuation earnings.  The Research can be read at:  https://www.tai.org.au/index.php?q=node%2F19&pubid=1199&act=display

  • 22 Jul 2013 7:14 PM | Deleted user

    The six National Women’s Alliances (NWA) have come together to encourage women to use their votes in the 2013 Federal election. NWA think that it’s important that women’s voices are heard in this election. They want women to vote in a way that reflects the diverse lives and experiences of women in Australia.  But really using your vote means more than just turning up on election day and sticking your ballot in the box. Your vote needs to be effectiveinformed, and independent.  To cast an effective ballot, you need to know the rules about filling out your ballot forms.  To find out more go to http://womenvote.org.au

  • 10 Jul 2013 7:16 PM | Deleted user
    The majority of Australia’s listed companies now have a gender diversity policy in place or plan to implement one, according to the findings of an independent report released by ASX recently. The ASX-commissioned report was conducted by KPMG and analysed compliance by 600 ASX-listed companies with the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s gender diversity Principles and Recommendations (the recommendations), introduced in 2011. The Council’s recommendations provide listed companies with a reporting framework for gender diversity.  The full report can be read at: Read Here.    The Media Release can be read here:  MEDIA RELEASE – ASX Gender Diversity Study Jul13

  • 07 May 2013 7:22 PM | Deleted user

    “Many of our members have either worked in or with, or used the services of, local colleges of advanced education. They suggest that TAFE represents the cheapest, easiest educational opportunity for many women, including recently arrived women immigrants to this country and there needs to be continued support of this process to ensure integration of the women and their families into Australian society.”  This is part of BPWA’s submission to the Federal Government Enquiry on TAFE.  To read the submission please open the following:  BPWA TAFE Submission Apr13

  • 27 Apr 2013 7:25 PM | Deleted user

    Business & Professional Women has been in Sri Lanka for 20 years and we hope to celebrate it with a conference on “Investment promotion and joint venture opportunities in Sri Lanka” and a study tour of our beautiful island.  You are cordially invited to participate in the 20th Anniversary Celebrations to be held in Colombo from the 10th to 12th August 2013 together with all interested entrepreneurs from your country.   This is organised with a view to promoting Investment and Joint Venture Opportunities in Sri Lanka in the areas of Manufacture, Exports and Eco Tourism.   For further details please read the Aims of the Conference:  BPW Sri Lanka Conference

  • 24 Mar 2013 7:35 PM | Deleted user

    economic Security4Women (eS4W) welcomes the recent government announcements of increased investment in childcare and out of school hours care that will go some way to retaining the skills and experience of childcare workers and to exploring more flexible child care options: Both of which will lead to improved opportunities for working parents, especially mothers and increased productivity.  “The dynamics of the labour market are changing and we must ensure we have a child care system to support those changes; one that gives working parents the flexibility they need to secure employment while reassuring them that their children have the highest quality care available” said Sandra Cook, chair of eS4W.  Full article:  Media Release – eS4W ChildOOSHCare 22Mar13

  • 24 Mar 2013 7:26 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Australia welcomes the Charter of a new Club in New South Wales on Saturday, 23rd March 2013 at a Gala Event.  BPW Strathfield is the newest Club across Australia.  A full story will be in the next BPWA Newsletter. Congratulations to all involved in establishing the Club.  If you are interested in joining BPW Strathfield, or have any enquiries please go to their webpage at http://www.bpw.com.au/bpw-strathfield/

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