• 18 Apr 2014 4:05 PM | Deleted user

    Supporting the view of BPW Australia, the Consult Australia Champions of Change have written to the Prime Minister to express their support for a robust workplace gender equality reporting framework. The group, comprised of 13 CEOs from the built environment consulting sector, are taking collective action to address equality in their workplaces and stimulate wider industry support for gender reporting. “All reporting regimes include an element of administrative burden but, as business leaders, we understand the primacy of data and the merits in making the effort to collect it,” said Greg Steele, Managing Director Australasia, Hyder Consulting and chair of the group.

    Read Media Release

  • 03 Mar 2014 4:14 PM | Deleted user

    On 8 March every year, women across the globe mark International Women’s Day (IWD), a day of celebration and aspiration.

    But did you know that IWD was originally called “International Working Women’s Day”?  Since it was first observed in 1908, IWD has been an important day for organisations like BPW Australia which focus on the rights of women in the world of work (within the broader context of women’s rights in general).

    The history of IWD is interesting also because it began as a political event in the Socialist states of Eastern Europe, Russia and the former Soviet bloc. It was only when the day was added to the UN calendar that IWD became the human rights day that we know today.

    Since it began, IWD has celebrated women’s achievements but also allowed women to pause and think about what still remains to be achieved.

    In Australia, the focus is primarily on celebration:  this year we hail the achievements of our first female Governor-General, the Hon Quentin Bryce AC CVO, BPW Australia’s patron, whose term ends on 28 March.  Quentin Bryce is a role model for all women in Australia, young and old. She has served our nation with dignity, compassion and commitment, and has shown courage in speaking out for gay marriage and an Australian republic when she could so easily have hidden behind the traditions of her office.  Her hopes that Australia might become a nation where “people are free to love and marry whom they choose… and where perhaps…one day, one young girl or boy may even grow up to be our nation’s first head of state” were not a political statement, but an endorsement of the rights of all people.

    Australia has now had a female Governor-General and a female Prime Minister, but such achievement has been shown to be fragile. By the end of this month, we shall again live in a country that has a man (a worthy man) in the Governor-General’s role, a man leading our Government and only one woman in the Cabinet. Clearly our work to achieve full equality of opportunity and representation is not over.

    It should be of concern to all Australian women that, in the latest Global Gender Gap Report, Australia has slipped 10 places, with women in countries including South Africa, Cuba, Burundi, the Philippines, Latvia and Lesotho all enjoying greater equality with men than we do in relation to key indicators of equality: health, education, economics and politics. While Australia rates in equal first place in education, it comes in at 69th for health and survival and only 43rd for political empowerment.

    Australian women still experience underlying forms of discrimination in the workplace and subtle, unconscious bias. The challenge for our society today is to continue to break down these barriers to change. The National President of Business and Professional Women (BPW) Australia, Dr June Kane AM, says “These are testing times for all of us who care about women’s status and rights both at work and in the community. Despite so many years of work, often robust legislation and the continuing determination and commitment of women across Australia, working women still do not receive the same pay as men for equivalent work; women retire with less superannuation; and we are under-represented not only on boards but on decision-making bodies at all levels. ”

    This is why IWD is also a day of aspiration – a day when we recommit to our aspirations to achieve a world where all women enjoy all of their rights.

    We do this at home through advocacy and lobbying, national campaigns, community projects and by enhancing our own personal and professional capacities for the benefit of our families, communities and nation.  And we do it on an international level through our affiliation with BPW International, a global network of women whose aspirations match our own.

    As IWD is marked this year, BPW International delegates – including BPW Australia members – will be preparing for the 58th meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the UN in New York. There, major themes are discussed each year, to ensure that international commitments made at conferences like the Beijing Conference on Women are followed through, and that governments are fulfilling their promises made in ratifying instruments such as the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

    BPW International delegations and our permanent representatives to the UN in New York, Geneva and Vienna work tirelessly on these issues, ensuring that BPW’s voice is heard and that we are able to influence international agendas and actions for the benefit of women worldwide.

    BPW Australia’s affiliation to BPW International also means that we can influence the international women’s agenda through such processes as the BPW International Congress, which in May this year will be held in Jeju, South Korea.  Resolutions that we have put forward will be voted on by BPW members from across the globe, as we vote on their resolutions, and together we shall set the agenda for our international work for the next three years.

    These international processes are directly linked to the collegiate meetings BPW Clubs hold every month across Australia.  Our Clubs are the heart of our organisation and members generate the energy that keeps us alive and able to do the work we do – at local, national and international levels.

    As International Women’s Day comes around again this year, every member of BPW Australia should be proud of our achievements on behalf of women here and overseas, and recommit to our aspiration that true equality and enjoyment of rights become a reality for all women.

  • 01 Mar 2014 4:18 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Australia is dismayed by news this week that the government is considering changing the reporting around the Workplace Gender Equity Indicators only recently introduced. If these proposals are implemented, the concern of our members — employers and employees– is that systemic discrimination will continue to prevent gender equity in the workplace.

    For the first time ever data is being collected from companies with more than 100 employees, who report on information such as gender composition of the workforce and governing bodies, remuneration, positions held, hours worked, flexible work arrangements for carers, and consultation on gender equality. From this, companies themselves are encouraged to identify unconscious bias in selection and promotion practices that currently impede women’s workforce participation and career advancement.

    To have any meaningful impact on understanding the continued disparity in wages and leadership positions for women in this country, and given the lack of accurate basic information collected in the past, we ask the government to ensure that reporting continues unchanged.

    BPW Australia recognises the economic cost to companies to comply with the reporting standards, but remains concerned that any attempt to decrease the number of companies reporting would weaken the restructuring of outdated work practices.

    We ask the government to respect the fact that the current reporting arrangements were widely discussed with the corporate sector and women’s and other community organisations, and reflect a broad consensus on the way forward in ensuring gender equity in the workplace.

    BPW Australia has been an advocate for gender pay equity for more than 60 years and will continue to support change that can improve women’s full participation in all aspects of the economy, returning benefits to individuals and businesses alike.

    For further information contact:
    Director of Policy: Andrea Cross

  • 20 Feb 2014 4:19 PM | Deleted user

    New figures released 20 February by the Australian Bureau of Statistics show that, on average, full-time working women’s earnings are 17.1% less per week than full-time working men’s earnings (a difference that equates to $262.50 per week). This gap in male and female earnings has decreased slightly since the last set of ABS figures were released in August 2013, when the gap was 17.5%. Women’s earnings have increased at a slightly higher rate than men’s over the past 12 months: 3.5% compared to 3%. Some may consider this to be “progress” –that is a matter of opinion.  BPW Australia’s opinion is that we shall have made progress when there is NO pay gap. At the fifth national conference in 1952, BPW Australia launched a “Rate for the job” campaign in support of ratification of the International Labour Organization’s Equal Remuneration Convention (1951). It is inconceivable that, 62 years later, the campaign slogan “Pay the job, not the sex” is still absolutely valid.

  • 11 Feb 2014 6:17 PM | Deleted user

    EconomicSecurity4Women, of which BPW Australia is a member, has urged the Federal Government to refer its contentious Paid Parental Leave (PPL) Scheme to the Productivity Commission Review on Childcare.

    The new PPL Scheme is due to commence on 1 July 2015 if legislation passes the Senate, however a number of key women’s organisations believe it should be linked closely with any major reforms on childcare – which has a much greater impact on the capacity of women to work and care than PPL.

    EconomicSecurity4Women has noted the government’s assurances that:

    • It will consult with business groups, unions, superannuation and women’s organisations, not-for-profit representatives, rural groups and state and territory governments ahead of the introduction of the legislation;
    • It does not intend to displace existing PPL schemes provided under industrial agreements, but will take on an employer’s responsibility to provide the payment and superannuation up to the PPL wage amount;
    • Employee entitlements set out in existing enterprise agreements will not be affected – employees will not lose any conditions they already receive;
    • Employers will continue to be allowed to determine their own policies including offering top-ups to attract staff;
    • As the costs of providing payments during parental leave is lifted off employers, they will be directed to/encouraged to invest in other work/family policies;
    • All eligible men and women will receive the same minimum payment during leave – that is, their actual wage, or national minimum wage if higher, for 26 weeks.
  • 10 Feb 2014 6:19 PM | Deleted user

    BPW Australia has made a submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Childcare and Early Childhood Education, underlining the links between accessible, affordable and flexible childcare and women’s full participation in the workforce.

    BPW Australia Director of Policy, Andrea Cross, says: “The most important issues  to come out of our survey of members are the real lack of flexibility in the workforce and childcare operating hours that match modern working conditions.  We have recommended that the government needs to look at alternative models of funding childcare including overseas models that link childcare to productivity gains and economic growth.”

    The eventual cost of childcare, Cross says, is still borne to a major extent by women, who suffer not only a loss of earnings and promotion over their life-time, but also consequent loss in the value of their superannuation.

    BPW Members can access the full submission and a Q & A on the issues in the Club Resources section of the website.

  • 28 Jan 2014 6:20 PM | Deleted user

    Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced that General Peter Cosgrove AC MC will take up the role of Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia in March. BPW Australia congratulates this eminent Australian on his appointment.

    We also acknowledge with respect and deep gratitude the exceptional leadership of the outgoing Governor-General, Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC, our patron. Quentin Bryce is a role model for all Australian women. A highly respected professional in her chosen field who rose to the country’s highest rank, Ms Bryce has shown leadership, dignity, courage and commitment as Australia’s first female Governor-General.

  • 20 Dec 2013 6:49 PM | Deleted user

    Women are earning only 64 per cent of the average man’s wage and salary income Australia-wide, according to a report released 20 December 2013 by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). ABS Director Lisa Conolly said, ”While average wage and salary income in Australia for 2010-11 was $51,923, men recorded a higher average of $62,699 compared with $40,312 for women.”

    The report shows that men earn more than women in every state and territory with the gap being particularly large in Western Australia, where women earn only 55 per cent of the average male income. BPW Australia underlines the importance of continuing lobbying and pressure in support of Equal Pay for Equal Work, as well as gender equity across the world of work, from recruitment to promotion to leadership.

  • 12 Dec 2013 6:55 PM | Deleted user

    The Attorney-General, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, has asked the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) to review Commonwealth legislation to identify provisions that unreasonably encroach upon traditional rights, freedoms and privileges. Senator Brandis said that the review will be one of the most comprehensive and important ever undertaken by the ALRC. “This is a major instalment towards the commitment I made to restore the balance around the issue of human rights in Australia,” said Senator Brandis. I have asked the Commission to identify where traditional rights, freedoms and privileges are unnecessarily compromised within the legal structure of the Commonwealth.

    This entry was posted on Thursday, December 12th, 2013 at 12:37 am and is filed under Front Page, Latest News. You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

  • 12 Dec 2013 6:53 PM | Deleted user

    The Coalition Government welcomes today’s release of the second national Personal Safety Survey by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash said the data from the Personal Safety Survey demonstrates the need for the Federal Government to maintain its focus on addressing violence against women. “This extensive survey builds on data collected in the first national Personal Safety Survey, and will assist in developing a strong evidence-base on violence against women,” Minister Cash said. “Shockingly, the survey confirms that one in three women aged 15 years and over have experienced physical violence, and almost one in five women have experienced sexual violence.”

    This entry was posted on Thursday, December 12th, 2013 at 12:41 am and is filed under Front Page, Latest News. You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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