• 02 Sep 2018 5:17 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    Despite her popularity with the electorate, Julie Bishop lost last week’s Liberal leadership ballot, and her colleague Julia Banks decided not to stand at the next election, protesting against bullying during the leadership campaign.  Dr Chris Wallace in The Conversation questions whether  politics has to work this way, and why this is happening.  And the answer is men.

  • 20 Aug 2018 10:07 AM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    A surprising and fascinating historical analysis in The Conversation by historian Hannah Forsyth.  Hannah affirms that women have always worked. Work performed by both men and women once took place at or near the family home. In the early 20th Century there were women professionals in almost all fields, although women dominated in areas that drew on women’s traditional authority over what an older middle class defined as the “domestic sphere”. Gradually, as work industrialised, it moved away from the home and into spaces dedicated to work. This occurred earlier for men than for women, which is the process that created a separate sphere, and left women in it.

  • 05 Aug 2018 12:18 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    Making a Difference: Resolutions passed by BPW Australia National Conference

    In 2016, BPW North Lakes in Queensland, proposed a resolution to the BPWA National Conference that BPW Australia lobbies the Australian and state Governments for the removal of the GST from women’s sanitary products.  Their resolution was adopted and in 2018, we are seeing the results of this lobbying.  BPW hasn't been the only voice calling for change, but we are effective.


    BPW Australia lobbied for many years for Australia to have a paid parental leave scheme, and our direct advocacy to decision-makers eventually prevailed.  In 2015 the BPW Australia Leadership Summit resolved to advocate for superannuation to be included in PPL payments.  This call has been supported by other women's organisations. However in 2018, when the UN Committee reviewing Australia's compliance with CEDAW questioned Australia’s continued failure to include superannuation in government PPL, the Government simply replied that there are no plans to extend PPL.  More lobbying required!


    The Commonwealth Office for Women advised that, despite their remit to review federal government policy from a gender perspective, recent federal budget cuts were not subject to a gender analysis.  This needs to change, and the Office for Women needs to be properly funded and resourced to meet these obligations.

  • 01 Aug 2018 1:19 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey tells the stories of the same group of Australians over the course of their lives. Starting in 2001, the survey now tracks more than 17,500 people in 9,500 households. One of the most striking findings from this year’s HILDA report is the large gender divide in financial literacy. Women exhibit much lower levels of financial literacy than men.  Young people  are the least financially literate, while those approaching retirement  are the most financially literate. Take the quiz here.

  • 15 Jul 2018 9:56 AM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    NAIDOC week has been uplifting and inspiring this year, a national feast of wonderful stories about remarkable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.  Among the many announcements, Tanya Hosch has been appointed as the first Indigenous BoardLinks Champion, a role designed to increase the representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women on Australian Government boards. Tanya is the General Manager for Inclusion and Social Policy at the AFL, a member of Chief Executive Women and the NAB Indigenous Advisory Group.

  • 01 Jul 2018 11:03 AM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    Wives, mothers, sisters, daughters — women do an estimated 75% of the unpaid work in the world, according to McKinsey. Feminist economists have long advocated for the inclusion of this work in national accounting statistics. Household labour in general, though, is considered beyond the “production boundary” of goods and services that account for GDP estimates. Yet, McKinsey believes, unpaid care work performed by women accounts for the equivalent of 13% of global GDP.

  • 24 Jun 2018 10:58 AM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    Professor Miranda Stewart from ANU has analysed the tax and childcare changes to ascertain whether working mothers would really benefit.  Her findings: mothers will have little to show for extra days of work under the changes.  Given that many commercial childcare centres plan to raise their fees on 1 July when the childcare fee changes begin, any benefit to families may simply be converted to increased profits for providers.

  • 17 Jun 2018 11:16 AM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    BPW Australia campaigned tirelessly for paid parental leave from 2000, recognising that we were then 20 to 40 years behind most countries. Once New Zealand introduced PPL in 2007, Australia became the only developed nation that had neither state nor national provision for paid parental leave.  Several USA states have had PPL for many years, although they still don’t have a national scheme.   Our PPL scheme is still less generous than most countries, and BPW is still lobbying for Australia to catch up.

  • 12 Jun 2018 3:35 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    Rocío Lorenzo and her team surveyed 171 companies to find out -- and the answer was a clear yes. In her interesting talk, Lorenzo dives into the data and explains how you and your business can start producing fresher, more creative ideas by treating diversity as a competitive advantage.

  • 29 Apr 2018 12:10 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

    The Stockholm Forum on Gender Equality held earlier this month was a global conference with 600 participants from over 100 countries. It brought together activists, academics, politicians and entrepreneurs who are putting their energies into making the world more gender-equal.  In the opening statement, the hosts acknowledged the efforts of the  women’s movement , standing on the barricades and fighting for gender equality at both national and international levels, and announced that Sweden has launched, as the first government in the world to do so, their feminist foreign policy.  You can access the Forum's keynote speeches and sessions at http://genderequalworld.com/live-sessions/


BPW Australia Newsletter Archive

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