01 Dec 2019 3:07 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

A resolution on paid eldercare leave was endorsed by the 2018 BPW Australia National Conference. BPW Australia lobbied both major parties prior to the 2019 election for this to be included in their platforms. A recent article in The Conversation advocates for a scheme similar to paid parental leave to ease the burden on those providing eldercare and help them stay in the workforce. It references a UK government study on how informal caring roles interact with employment and an article in The Australian in November.

This public interest in paid eldercare leave is welcome.  BPW Australia members, including employers and employees from across the business, professional, government, academic and non-profit sectors, recognise how valuable and necessary a government-funded paid eldercare leave scheme is to maintain carers’ connection with the workforce.  Now we need a policy that parallels paid parental leave but addresses the challenges faced by employees trying to balance eldercare with work.   

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