Women in NSW Can Have Their Say

12 Jul 2017 4:02 PM | Margaret Tipper

Women NSW (the government department) is inviting women in NSW to Have Their Say as part of the development of the NSW Women's Strategy.  

The NSW Government is developing the NSW Women’s Strategy, a whole-of-government, whole-of-community policy framework to improve gender equality and gender equity in NSW.

The strategy is planned to be released later this year.

The aim of the strategy is to improve equality and equity for women and girls in every aspect of their lives.

The objectives of the strategy are:

  • To understand the diverse experiences of gender inequality and gender inequity of women and girls across their lifespan.
  • To increase engagement with the whole community on improving gender equality and gender equity.
  • To identify areas for focused action and investment.
  • To support men and boys to engage with issues of gender inequality and gender inequity.
  • To develop an evidence-based framework for achieving change.

The overarching areas of focus that will be addressed in the strategy include:

  • Health, wellbeing and safety
  • Economic empowerment
  • Culture and identity
  • Leadership and work
To Have Your Say go to:  NSW Women
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