BPW welcomes Conway and Steele

09 Mar 2011 4:37 PM | Deleted user

BPW Australia offers a warm welcome to Ms Helen Conway as the new Director for Equal Opportunity in the Workplace Agency (EOWA). As an organization representing the interests of working women, whether business owners, employers or employees BPW is acutely aware of the need for closer collaboration between the sectors if we are to reverse the increasing gender wage gap.

Ms Conway brings a wealth of private sector experience to this role and BPW looks forward to maintaining its close relationship with EOWA as it strives for greater equality in the workplace, said National President Marilyn Forsythe. As the economic rights of women are a focus for BPW’s International Women’s Day centenary celebrations, we believe Ms Conway’s credentials, including her community related work, will allow her to build the public/private partnerships that we need.

EOWA’s current a/g Director Mairi Steele moves to head the Office for Women, an appointment applauded by BPW. Mairi has had much experience in dealing with the machinations of government policy and this, combined with a strong background in labor economics places her ideally to champion the changes we require, Ms Forsythe said. Australian women can look forward to some real change around gender equity and women’s workforce participation: good for them, for business and for the economy as a whole.

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