BPW Australia welcomes Work Gender Equity Reforms

Marilyn Forsythe, National President BPW Australia, congratulates the Minister for the Status of Women, Kate Ellis, for announcing the reforms that will require companies with 100 or more employees to increase reporting on gender outcomes. An important point is that there will be no exemptions for companies and non complying companies will not be able to receive Government funded grants or industry assistance programs.

The changes will be enshrined in the Act and businesses will no longer be able to give lip service to the previous requirements under the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA) guidelines. For far too long Australian women have been frustrated by being unable to progress through to senior positions. They are doubly discriminated by being  paid 18% less than men in Australia. It is about time that the Government brought in laws to achieve real gender equity in Australian companies.

Photo: Kate speaking at the launch of the centenary of International Women’s Day

11 Mar 2011 2:54 PM | Deleted user
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