A ground breaking social enterprise called the BPW Business Incubator Project initiated by Belmont Business Enterprise Centre in Western Australia (Belmont BEC) and Textile, Clothing and Footwear Resource Centre of Western Australia Inc. (TCF Global) and supported by BPW International will launch internationally on March 2 in New York.
The BPW Business Incubator Project will provide online training and mentoring to develop the business skills and business growth potential of women in new or existing homebased, micro & small businesses. Webinars on over 40 business topics such as Business Planning, Starting a Fashion Label, Manufacturing Pitfalls, Import/Export and eCommerce will be available. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn about global sourcing from women vendors directly from the International Trade Centre.
The project will be officially launched at a parallel NGO event during the Fifty-sixth Session of the United Nations – Commission on the Status of Women (CSW56) at forum ‘Empowering Creative Rural Women Through Enterprise Development and Global Fashion Opportunities’.
VIP Guest Speakers will include:
- Freda Miriklis – President, BPW International
- Sharon Graubard – Senior Vice President, Trend Analysis, Stylesight
- Lexy Mojo Eyes – Nigerian Fashion Promoter and President
- Carol Hanlon – CEO of Belmont BEC, TCF Global and member of BPW Australia and BPW International Asia Pacific Committee
More details here Women’s Global Business Incubator 010312 and here TCFGLOBALbooklet_CSW HANDBOOK..
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