Men still earn more than women Australia-wide

20 Dec 2013 6:49 PM | Deleted user

Women are earning only 64 per cent of the average man’s wage and salary income Australia-wide, according to a report released 20 December 2013 by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). ABS Director Lisa Conolly said, ”While average wage and salary income in Australia for 2010-11 was $51,923, men recorded a higher average of $62,699 compared with $40,312 for women.”

The report shows that men earn more than women in every state and territory with the gap being particularly large in Western Australia, where women earn only 55 per cent of the average male income. BPW Australia underlines the importance of continuing lobbying and pressure in support of Equal Pay for Equal Work, as well as gender equity across the world of work, from recruitment to promotion to leadership.

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