BPW Australia calls for a childcare model that permits women’s full and equal participation in the workforce

10 Feb 2014 6:19 PM | Deleted user

BPW Australia has made a submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Childcare and Early Childhood Education, underlining the links between accessible, affordable and flexible childcare and women’s full participation in the workforce.

BPW Australia Director of Policy, Andrea Cross, says: “The most important issues  to come out of our survey of members are the real lack of flexibility in the workforce and childcare operating hours that match modern working conditions.  We have recommended that the government needs to look at alternative models of funding childcare including overseas models that link childcare to productivity gains and economic growth.”

The eventual cost of childcare, Cross says, is still borne to a major extent by women, who suffer not only a loss of earnings and promotion over their life-time, but also consequent loss in the value of their superannuation.

BPW Members can access the full submission and a Q & A on the issues in the Club Resources section of the website.

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