27 Sep 2024 11:56 AM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

National cabinet has agreed to a $4.7 billion plan to ramp up frontline supports for people escaping family violence. The plan builds on almost $1 billion committed in the federal budget to the Leaving Violence program, which offers victim-survivors support packages of up to $5,000 to help leave a dangerous relationship. Chair of Community Legal Centres Australia Arlia Fleming said services could not afford to wait until July next year when the funding will kick in.

The statement also included a promise to establish national standards for men’s behaviour change, and an audit of key Commonwealth government systems to identify areas where they are being weaponised by perpetrators. First Ministers agreed to:

Develop new national best practice family and domestic violence risk assessment principles and a model best practice risk assessment framework.

Support enhancements to the National Criminal Intelligence System, which enables information sharing across jurisdictions, to provide a ‘warning flag’ that will assist police responding to high-risk perpetrators.

Extend and increase nationally-consistent, two-way information sharing between the family law courts and state and territory courts, child protection, policing and firearms agencies.

Strengthen system responses to high-risk perpetrators to prevent homicides, by trialling new focussed deterrence models and Domestic Violence Threat Assessment Centres. These centres will be able to use intelligence, monitor individuals and intervene with those at high risk of carrying out homicide.

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