21 Aug 2023 12:05 PM | Jean Murray (Administrator)

Equal Pay Day is 25 August, marking the 8 weeks it has taken the average woman to earn as much as the average man in 2022/23.  We don’t celebrate Equal Pay Day, we mark it.  We’ll celebrate when Equal Pay Day is 30 June!

The ABS has released the latest data on average weekly ordinary time earnings for full-time adults.  The Workplace Gender Equality Agency has interpreted this data and explained how the gender pay gap is calculated.  The national gender pay gap is 13%, the lowest ever pay gap.

WGEA has provided pay gap data by state and territory which clubs can use for your EPD events.  The gender pay gap went up in NSW and NT and down in the other jurisdictions. They also report the pay gap by industry, with highest gap in Professional, Scientific and Technical Services and the lowest in Public Administration and Safety. 

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency notes that the private sector has a significantly higher gender pay gap than the public sector. As of November 2022:  the private sector gender pay gap is 15.7% while the public sector gender pay gap is 10.6%.

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