Professor Lyn Craig of the University of Melbourne says national summits have their place — but asks what it will really take to achieve equality for Australian women. She says women in Australia are over it, they are sick of the ongoing unacceptable levels of workplace discrimination, sexual harassment and domestic violence. They are sick of calling for better public safety and an end to the gender pay gap. They are also completely exhausted
There have been criticisms of a "talkfest", of platitudes, of too many inquiries and summits but insufficient action, programs and funding over recent years - we already know what's needed, just fund it and get on with it.
The Australian Human Rights Commission issued a statement which refers to their submission that called for adequate, long-term and secure funding for accessible domestic violence support services, based on consultation to ensure needs are met.
What will women see from this Summit? Will our needs and expectations and rights be met? BPW will be monitoring the discussions, decisions and the follow-up actions and will keep members informed.