Participate BPW is for women who want to build their professional networks, meet lively, like-minded women and champion the right of women to participate at all levels of paid and volunteer work. There are opportunities for women to develop personally and professionally keeping up to date on issues that matter most to women. |
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Globally, we work with many UN bodies; nationally, with COSBOA, NCW, Soroptomists and Rotary to build ‘people power’ in relation to issues of social justice.
Clubs The members of BPW meet in clubs across Australia. We enjoy opportunities for development, networking and work on issues that are important to women. Club activities include regular meetings with inspiring speakers who inform and challenge, workshops and seminars to learn and other networking events with government and academic leaders. Clubs are active in their local community and recognise and reward women who are high achievers through various award programs. Through the training ground of clubs, members learn public speaking, event management and meeting procedures. These skills enable members to step up in our own work and in advocating for women's equality. Members get together to catch up, discuss views, and contribute our expertise where we can to BPW projects. Clubs provide social support and give women a way to meet others who are also interested in social issues. Through clubs, we also facilitate access to the scholarships, awards, conferences and discounts on offer with BPW Australia.
Along the way, members form lifelong friendships locally and internationally. Find a club here. Professional Development Grant ProgramA club or a State Representative may submit an application to the BPW Australia Professional Development Grants Committee on behalf of a woman or girl [or a group of women] who needs financial assistance for a purpose approved under the grants program. | Social MediaBPW have many social media platforms for you to participate on issues and community interests. United NationsThrough BPW membership, women may attend United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. Go to CSW Current topicsBPW is actively campaigning for Equal Pay in Australia. Equal Pay Day is an annual day that officially recognises the ongoing gender pay gap and financial discrimination against women. This day shows just how many extra days a woman must work in order for her wages to equal those of a man the previous year. Find out more:- | AdvocacyOur platform is built on the importance to women of Participation, Representation and Non-discrimination. Our Policy statements grow out of these fundamental rights. ProgramsOur programs focus on developing women’s leadership, strengthening women’s business and increasing awareness of women’s rights to improve society as a whole. ProjectsThrough our projects, we are women helping women to create an equal and just world for all of us through educational opportunities and support for women and girls. ConferencesBPW Australia holds a national conference every two years. State and regional events are also held from time to time. At these events, clubs bring forwards issues of concern for further action by BPW Australia and where relevant referred to BPW International. Conferences are also where members are recognised and rewarded through various BPW Awards for their achievements. Go to BPW Conferences |